Bug #548
Information about problematic launches can't make its way to results database
Added by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago.
Updated over 13 years ago.
Detected in build:
При проблемах в cmd-stream-extractor или INTERGRATION-ERROR (#547 и #536) информация о запуске не попадает в сервер статистики, из-за чего велик шанс пропустить появление таких проблем.
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1 (1 open — 0 closed)
I told you. =P
The database schema was designed in such a way that information about what checks were requested is intentionally discarded, and the source of data are the launches that succeeded.
I'm not sure if there's a cheap way to redesign this.
- Subject changed from Проблемные запуски не попадают сервер статистики to Information about problematic launches can't make its way to results database
- Priority changed from High to Normal
It can't make its way into the release for three months, staiyng "High". Decreasing priority.
- Category set to Infrastructure
That's funny. So, okay, yesterday I made some "problematic" launches go into the database. So now many "problematic" launches have the corresponding items in the data, and have the "unknown" verdict. Now, how do I analyze it? I see a transition from unsafe to unknown: is it a result of failure of some of our tools at some point—or is it a verifier degradation?
That means, we should first fix the feature #562.
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