Task #9311
closedtype casting of expression operands
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It is a common case for expressions in Verilog designs to have operands that become wrong via transforming to SMT\SMV format. Here are some examples.
1. In vcegar-tests/mpeg/mpeg_1.v:
reg [15:0] NumBytes; wire [3:0] timeStampBytes; ... NumBytes = NumBytes - timeStampBytes;
Operands of "-" have different data types, so SMT solver reports an error.
2. In verilog2smv-vis-tests/Vsa16/vsa16a.v:
output [15:0] ALUOutput; reg [11:0] NPC; wire [15:0] Imm = {{8{immFld[8]}},immFld[7:0]}; ALUOutput <= {4'd0,NPC} + {Imm,1'b0};
This expression produces the following error in nuXmv model checker:
TYPE ERROR file vsa16a.smv: line 593 : illegal operand types of "+" : unsigned word[16] and unsigned word[17]
3. In twoFifo1.v:
parameter LOGLENGTH = 2; ... reg [LOGLENGTH-1:0] writehead; ... for (i = 0; i <= LENGTH-1; i = i + 1) begin if (((writehead < writetail) && (i >= writehead) && (i < writetail)) || ((writehead > writetail) && ((i >= writehead) || (i < writetail)))) begin if ((readempty == 0) && (readfifo[readhead] == writefifo[i])) begin match <= 1; storeaddr <= readhead; end end
The unrolled "for" loop produces the error in nuXmv model checker (probably the i counter value has 32-bit vector type):
TYPE ERROR file twoFifo1.smv: line 762 : illegal operand types of "<" : unsigned word[32] and unsigned word[2]
4. In verilog2smv-vis-tests/Ibuf/ibuf.v:
input [0:2] flush; output [0:1] load0; output [0:2] issue0; output [0:2] issue1; output [0:2] valid; ... wire nv0 = ~flush[0] & (valid[0] & ~(issue0[0] | issue1[0]) | load0);
This expression produces the following error in nuXmv model checker:
TYPE ERROR file ibuf.smv: line 164 : illegal operand types of "|" : unsigned word[1] and unsigned word[2]
5. In verilog2smv-vis-tests/BufAl/bufferAlloc.v:
output nack; reg [4:0] count; reg alloc, free; ... count = count + (alloc & ~nack) - (free & busy[free_addr]);
This expression produces the following error in nuXmv model checker:
TYPE ERROR file bufferAlloc.smv: line 964 : illegal operand types of "+" : unsigned word[5] and unsigned word[1]