Command Line Utilities » History » Revision 16
Revision 15 (Alexander Kamkin, 08/30/2011 04:17 PM) → Revision 16/49 (Alexander Kamkin, 08/30/2011 04:19 PM)
h1. Command Line Utilities h2. $CPPTESK_HOME/bin/ Displays the version and build numbers of the installed tools and prints the change log. h3. Options: * *--new* Display display what is new in the installed version of the toolkit. toolkit * *--log* Print - print the change log. log * *--version | -v* Display - display the version and build numbers of the installed tools. tools * *--help | -h* Show - show available options. options h2. $CPPTESK_HOME/bin/ h3. Options: * --help | -h - show available options h2. $CPPTESK_HOME/bin/ h3. Options: * --help | -h - show available options h2. $CPPTESK_HOME/bin/ h3. Options: * --help | -h - show available options h2. $CPPTESK_HOME/bin/ h3. Options: * --help | -h - show available options