Feature #2490
openThere shouldn't be 'No entry point' problems
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As one can see there are about 100 drivers of about 3000 that cause 'No entry point'. I saw some of them and find out 3 different cases:
- Modules haven't module_init/module_exit at all and just export several functions or variables as a library (almost all from 100) (example). We shouldn't generate mains for them and verify directly.
- There is a group of modules in staging that includes a general .c file with their own specific defines. Bad C style I guess (example). Preprocessing is required and will process these cases in future.
- There is a module that determines init_module/cleanup_module explicitly without macros module_init/module_exit. Bad module style (example). May be ignore this driver at all like the first group or report to developers that they have such a problem.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov almost 12 years ago
Marked #3733 as a blocker of this feature request. May be it can be considered as duplicate since other two cases are of no much interest.