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Sergey Smolov, 04/27/2018 02:50 PM

Icarus Verilog Bugs

The bugs are listed here can be reproduced on tests for Verilog Translator project (so called "ieee-tests").

  1. test_03_08_01_1.v
    test_03_08_01_1.v:25: syntax error
    test_03_08_01_1.v:27: error: malformed statement
    test_03_08_01_1.v:28: syntax error
    test_03_08_01_1.v:33: error: malformed statement
    test_03_08_01_1.v:34: syntax error
    test_03_08_01_1.v:39: error: malformed statement
    test_03_08_01_1.v:40: syntax error
  2. test_03_08_01_7.v
    test_03_08_01_7.v:25: syntax error
    test_03_08_01_7.v:25: error: malformed statement
  3. test_04_03_01_1.v
    test_04_03_01_1.v:24: sorry: trireg nets not supported.
  4. test_04_03_02_1.v
    test_04_03_02_1.v:22: syntax error
    test_04_03_02_1.v:22: error: invalid module item.
    test_04_03_02_1.v:23: syntax error
    test_04_03_02_1.v:23: error: invalid module item.
  5. test_04_04_01_1.v
    test_04_04_01_1.v:22: sorry: trireg nets not supported.
    test_04_04_01_1.v:23: sorry: trireg nets not supported.
    test_04_04_01_1.v:25: syntax error
    test_04_04_01_1.v:25: error: invalid module item.
  6. test_05_02_01_4.v
    test_05_02_01_4.v:54: error: Unable to bind wire/reg/memory `x' in `test'
    test_05_02_01_4.v:58: error: Unable to bind wire/reg/memory `z' in `test'
  7. test_05_03_00_1.v
    test_05_03_00_1.v:25: warning: choosing typ expression.
  8. test_06_01_03_1.v
    test_06_01_03_1.v:24: sorry: net delays not supported.
  9. Compile test_07_14_01_1.v
    test_07_14_01_1.v:25: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_1.v:25: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_1.v:25: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_1.v:26: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_1.v:26: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_1.v:26: warning: choosing typ expression.
  10. test_07_14_01_2.v
    test_07_14_01_2.v:26: warning: choosing typ expression.
    test_07_14_01_2.v:27: warning: choosing typ expression.
  11. test_07_14_02_2_1.v
    test_07_14_02_2_1.v:25: sorry: trireg nets not supported.
  12. test_07_14_02_2_2.v
    test_07_14_02_2_2.v:26: sorry: trireg nets not supported.
  13. test_08_06_00_1.v
    test_08_06_00_1.v:46: syntax error
    test_08_06_00_1.v:46: error: syntax error in parameter value assignment list.
    test_08_06_00_1.v:46: error: Invalid module instantiation
  14. test_09_02_01_1.v
    test_09_02_01_1.v:31: error: part select rega[3:5] is reversed.
  15. test_09_03_02_1.v
    test_09_03_02_1.v:32: tgt-vvp sorry: procedural continuous assignments are not yet fully supported. The RHS of this assignment will only be evaluated once, at the time the assignment statement is executed.
    test_09_03_02_1.v:37: tgt-vvp sorry: procedural continuous assignments are not yet fully supported. The RHS of this assignment will only be evaluated once, at the time the assignment statement is executed.
    test_09_03_02_1.v:38: tgt-vvp sorry: procedural continuous assignments are not yet fully supported. The RHS of this assignment will only be evaluated once, at the time the assignment statement is executed.
  16. test_09_03_02_2.v
    test_09_03_02_2.v:33: tgt-vvp sorry: procedural continuous assignments are not yet fully supported. The RHS of this assignment will only be evaluated once, at the time the assignment statement is executed.

Updated by Sergey Smolov almost 7 years ago · 8 revisions