


Command Line Options » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Alexander Kamkin, 11/06/2019 11:07 AM) → Revision 10/11 (Sergey Smolov, 11/06/2019 05:13 PM)

h1. Command Line Options 

 Verilog Translator handles the following command line options: 

 |*Long name*|*Short name*|*Description*|*Default value, if applicable*| 
 |--include-path|-I|Include directories|-| 
 |--library-file|-L|Library file|-| 

 h2. Include directories 

 The option sets the directories where VeriTrans searches for Verilog files included from others. Multiple paths are separated by @:@ (for Unix) or @;@ (for Windows). 

 When @a.v@ uses something defined in @b.v@ (located at @/absolute/path/to@), there may be the following situations: 
 * @a.v@ does not contain @`include "b.v"@: 
 ** both files should be given to VeriTrans; 
 ** @b.v@ comes first; 
 ** @--include-path@ is not required; 
 * @a.v@ contains @`include "b.v"@: 
 ** the path @/absolute/path/to@ should be added to @--include-path@; 
 * @a.v@ contains @`include "path/to/b.v"@: 
 ** the path @/absolute/path/to@ @/absolute@ should be added to @--include-path@. 

 h2. Library file 

 The option sets the library file that declares names of non-standard system tasks and functions. The file has the following structure: 

 <kind> (<type>)? <name> 
 <kind> (<type>)? <name> 

 * @<kind>@ is either @function@ or @task@; 
 * @<type>@ is the return type (only for functions); 
 * @<name>@ is the entity name. 

 Here is an example: 

 function [3:0] $myFunction 
 task $myTask 