



Building » History » Revision 5

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Sergey Smolov, 11/08/2019 06:04 PM


Getting project source code

Clone the project Git repository and it's submodules:

$ git clone --recursive

Building and running Verilog Translator from command line

To build Verilog Translator and run JUnit tests we use Gradle. Please install it first (Gradle 4.10.3 is recommended) or use Gradle wrapper script ('gradlew.bat' for Windows, 'gradlew' for Unix).

To compile main classes run:

gradle classes

To compile test classes run:
gradle testClasses

To run all unit tests run:
gradle test

NOTE : to list all Gradle commands run:
gradle tasks

Building and running Verilog Translator from Eclipse IDE

  1. Install Buildship Gradle integration plugin for Eclipse IDE.
  2. Create init.gradle file in the $HOME/.gradle directory and write the following to it:
      apply plugin: 'eclipse'
        classpath.downloadJavadoc = true
  3. Import Verilog Translator's sources into Eclipse workspace:
    • Use the menu item "File/Import...".
    • Choose "Gradle/Gradle Project".
    • Select the "veritrans" directory as the root directory, press "Next".
    • Select the "Gradle wrapper (recommended)" import option.
    • Press the "Finish" button: the project will be opened in the Eclipse IDE.

Updated by Sergey Smolov over 5 years ago · 9 revisions