Services » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Alexey Demakov, 10/04/2021 07:36 AM) → Revision 8/9 (Alexey Demakov, 12/02/2021 02:32 PM)
h1. Services * "Jenkins Continuous Integration Server": - internal access only * "Sonarube quality management platform, dedicated to continuously analyzing and measuring the technical quality of source code": - internal access only *build.gradle:* <pre> plugins { id 'org.sonarqube' version '1.0' } sonarqube { properties { property '', '' property 'sonar.jdbc.url', 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sonar' property 'sonar.jdbc.driverClassName', 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' property 'sonar.jdbc.username', 'sonar' property 'sonar.jdbc.password', 'sonar' } } </pre> * "Nexus 3 Repository manager": manager": - internal access only Mail <> is you need upload permissions. *build.gradle:* <pre> plugins { id '' version '1.4.4' id 'net.researchgate.release' version '2.3.5' } apply plugin: 'maven-publish' repositories { maven { url '' '' } maven { url '' '' } jcenter() } = projectGroup release { failOnCommitNeeded = false versionPatterns = [ // Increments build number: "0.2.5-alpha-150428" => "0.2.6-alpha-150428" /(^\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)(-[^-]*)(-[^-]*$)/: { Matcher m, Project p -> m.replaceAll("${ m[0][1] }${ (m[0][2] as int) + 1 }${ m[0][3] }" ) } ] } String getCurrentDateString() { new SimpleDateFormat( 'yyMMdd' ).format( new Date() ) } task unSnapshotVersion.doLast { def version = project.version.toString() version += '-' + getCurrentDateString() project.plugins.getPlugin( net.researchgate.release.ReleasePlugin.class ) .updateVersionProperty( version ) } def repoUrlStr = '' '' def repoUserStr = hasProperty('repoUser') ? repoUser : '' def repoPasswordStr = hasProperty('repoPassword') ? repoPassword : '' publishing { publications { maven(MavenPublication) { groupId projectGroup artifactId projectName version project.version from } } repositories { maven { if(project.version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) { url repoUrlStr + 'snapshots' } else { url repoUrlStr + 'releases' } credentials { username repoUserStr password repoPasswordStr } authentication { basic(BasicAuthentication) } } } } afterReleaseBuild.dependsOn publish </pre> ** <pre> projectGroup=... projectName=.. # gradle-release-plugin restriction: use only '=' as separator version=... </pre> ** <pre>repoUser=... repoPassword=... </pre> *.gitignore:* <pre> </pre> *settings.gradle:* <pre> = projectName </pre>