Fortress v0.3.2 has been released.
The new release includes the following changes:
- Factory methods to simplify creating NodeValue objects
- Support for creating deep copies of expressions
- Utility classes for generating random values
- Support for a variable number of operands in the expression calculator
- Saving/loading constraints to/from an XML string
- Aborting visiting an expression tree and skipping subtrees
- Basic facilities to calculate the type of an expression
- Extending the functionality of a solver with function templates
- Class NodeExpr was renamed to NodeOperation
- XML format was simplified: nodes Expression and Operation were merged together (the new node is called Operation)
- Class ExprUtils that provides a set of useful methods to work with logical expressions
- Expression printers for Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages
- Support for the boolean type in the calculator
The library can be downloaded from here:
Fortress v0.3.1 has been released.
The new release includes the following changes:
- support for parametric operations with two or more parameters
- support for array operations
- support for the BVEXTRACT operation
The library can be downloaded from the page
Fortress v0.3.0 (a redesigned version of Java Constraint Solver API) has been released.
The new release includes the following changes:
- the library was redesigned and renamed to Fortress
- the library was decomposed into a set of reusable packages (including data, expression, calculator, transform, solver)
- new classes for describing data were implemented (including a new bit vector implementation)
- a lot of refactoring has been done
- a number of bugs was fixed
The library can be downloaded from the page
Java Constraint Solver API v0.2.2 has been released. The following things have been done:
- support of constant folding has been added
- support of user-defined calculators has been added
- several bugs have been fixed
The library can be downloaded from the page
Java Constraint Solver API v0.2.1 has been released. The following things have been done:
- support of parametric operations has been added
- support of ternary operations has been added
- support of user-defined objects and operations in constraint tree has been added
- several bugs have been fixed
The library can be downloaded from the page
Java Constraint Solver API v0.1.1 has been released. The following things have been done:
- Constraints creating (in the form of abstract syntax trees)
- Constraints mapping to the SMT-LIB description (in this version only binary operations are supported)
- Constraints storing in external memory (as XML files)
- Z3 solver launching and transferring results back to Java
The library can be downloaded from the page