



Fortress (FORmula TRanslation, Evaluation and Symbolic Simplification), former JCSA (Java Constraint Solver API), is an open-source and extendable Java library providing facilities for manipulation with formulae (terms and constraints). The library allows creating formulae (in the form of syntax trees), translating them into external formats (programming languages, XML, SMT-LIB, etc.), evaluating them and doing symbolic simplification. It also supports constraint solving using built-in solvers as well as external ones (like Yices, Z3, CVC4, Boolector, etc.). For more information, read Wiki.

Licensing and Distribution

The Fortress package is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which implies the freedom to use the software for any purpose (to distribute it, to modify it and to distribute modified versions of the software) under the terms of the license, but requires preservation of the copyright notice and disclaimer.

The package can be downloaded from the Files page.

E-mail: microtesk-support [at] (MicroTESK)

Latest news

Fortress v0.4.35 released
Fortress v0.4.35 has been released.
Added by Alexander Protsenko almost 2 years ago

Fortress v0.4.34 released
Fortress v0.4.34 has been released.
Added by Sergey Smolov over 4 years ago

Fortress v0.4.33 released
Fortress v0.4.33 has been released.
Added by Sergey Smolov over 5 years ago

Fortress v0.4.32 released
Fortress v0.4.32 has been released.
Added by Andrei Tatarnikov over 6 years ago

Fortress v0.4.31 released
Fortress v0.4.31 has been released.
Added by Andrei Tatarnikov almost 7 years ago

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