


Installation Guide » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Sergey Smolov, 01/05/2015 10:37 PM) → Revision 5/63 (Sergey Smolov, 03/04/2015 02:12 PM)

h1. Installation Guide 

 For "HDL Retrascope": working with the "JDK 1.8": should be istalled first. 

 The "HDL Retrascope": can be used in two following ways: through it''s "Command Line Options": or through the "HDL Retrascope IDE": plugin for "Eclipse IDE": 

 For both ways either the system property @smt.solver.path@ or the environment variable @SMT_SOLVER_PATH@ must be set to a full path to a solver executable file in order to run solver-dependent tasks. If the both are set, a value of fortress.solver.path is used. 

 For VHDL designs elaboration: 
 # Set @ZAMIA_LOCKING@ system environment variable to @true@. 
 # Download and install "Python interpreter":http:// 

 For constraints solving we recommend to use "Z3 SMT-solver":