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Mikhail Lebedev, 02/13/2020 03:33 PM

Installation Guide

Setting Environment Variables

Several steps below require environment variable to be set in your OS. When you encounter such step in the guide, do the following (substitute NAME and VALUE by the name and value of your environment variable respectively):


  1. Open the System Properties window.
  2. Switch to the Advanced tab.
  3. Click on Environment Variables.
  4. Click New... under System Variables.
  5. In the New System Variable dialog specify variable name as NAME and variable value as VALUE.
  6. Click OK on all open windows.
  7. Reopen the command prompt window.


Add the command below to the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file (Linux):


Changes will be applied after restarting the command-line terminal or reboot. You can also execute the command in your command-line terminal to make temporary changes.

Retrascope Installation

  1. Download and install JDK 11 (use AdoptOpenJDK for Windows and openjdk-11-jdk for Ubuntu Linux based OS).
  2. Download and install SMT-LIBv2 solver. We recommend to use Z3 version 4.3 or higher.
  3. Download and unpack the Retrascope itself.
  4. Set either the system property smt.solver.path or the environment variable SMT_SOLVER_PATH to a full path to a SMT-solver executable file (for example, "/home/user/tools/z3/z3" or "C:\tools\z3\bin\z3.exe") in order to run solver-dependent tasks. If the both are set, a value of fortress.solver.path will be used.
  5. Download and install nuXmv model checker.
  6. Set either the system property nuxmv.path or the environment variable NUXMV_PATH to a full path to a nuXmv executable file (for example, "/home/user/tools/nuxmv/nuXmv" or "C:\tools\nuxmv\nuXmv.exe") in order to run checker-dependent tasks.
  7. To use the NuSMV model checker download and install it.
    Set either the system property nusmv.path or the environment variable NUSMV_PATH to a full path to a NuSMV executable file (for example, "/home/user/tools/nusmv/bin/NuSMV" or "C:\tools\nusmv\bin\NuSMV.exe") in order to run checker-dependent tasks.
  8. For VHDL designs elaboration:
    a) Set ZAMIA_LOCKING environment variable to true.
    b) Download and install Python interpreter.

To make sure the tool is successfully installed, enter the retrascope installation directory and run the following command for Windows OS (the correct output is also shown):

> bin\retrascope.bat --help
usage: files [options]
    --engine <arg>            Set a subset of engines
    --help                    Show this message
    --log <arg>               Set a log file
    --log-level <arg>         Set a log level
    --solver-debug            Set debug mode for SMT solver
    --target <arg>            Set a target entity
    --tool-debug-file <arg>   Set debug mode and save info to debug log file

For Linux-based OS:
$ ./bin/retrascope --help
usage: files [options]
    --engine <arg>            Set a subset of engines
    --help                    Show this message
    --log <arg>               Set a log file
    --log-level <arg>         Set a log level
    --solver-debug            Set debug mode for SMT solver
    --target <arg>            Set a target entity
    --tool-debug-file <arg>   Set debug mode and save info to debug log file

What's next?

  1. To understand the main concept of the Retrascope architecture see Overview
  2. For quick overview of common use cases see Getting Started
  3. For full guide of the tool options, read Command Line Options
  4. To understand the scientific foundations of the tool see Retrascope-Related Publications

Updated by Mikhail Lebedev about 5 years ago · 63 revisions