


HDL Testbench Simulation » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Sergey Smolov, 01/25/2016 05:16 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Sergey Smolov, 02/01/2016 04:22 PM)

h1. HDL Testbench Simulation 

 To run HDL testbench on ModelSim simulator and collect the coverage data, do the following: 

 1. Copy script to the directory with HDL testbench. 

 2. Run the script with the following arguments: 
 -f path-to-hdl-file-under-test -g 

 3. On ModelSim press "Run All" button. 

 To generate an HTML report about test coverage at the GUI mode do the following: 

 1. Collect coverage information: 
 coverage save -onexit -testname <testname> <cov_database.ucdb> - создает базу с покрытием для теста <testname>. 
 2. Merge the produced database with the general one (after exit from ModelSim): 
 vcover merge <cov_database.ucdb> <overall_database.ucdb> -o <overall_database.ucdb> 
 3. Generate an HTML report: 
 vcover report -html <overall_database.ucdb> 

 To generate an HTML report about test coverage at command line mode run the script with the following parameters: 
 -f path-to-hdl-file-under-test 
 and then do: 
 vcover report -html <overall_database.ucdb> 