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Sergey Smolov, 12/14/2014 09:20 PM

Command Line Options

One way to use the HDL Retrascope is it''s command line options. Here is an output of the tool that it run with "--help" option:

usage: [options] files
 -e,--engine <arg>   Set a subset of engines
 -h,--help           Show this message
 -l,--log <arg>      Set a log file
 -t,--target <arg>   Set a target entity

This output shows four main categories of HDL Retrascope command line options: source files, engines, logging mode and targets.
Options can be put into command line in an arbitrary order.

Source files

This option keeps paths to files that contain source code of hardware modules.

The HDL Retrascope can elaborate hardware descriptions written in synthesizable subsets of VHDL and Verilog. For current version of the tool it is possible to elaborate the source code when it satisfies some limitations.

For VHDL - no loop-cycles, no other modules'' instantiations, no wait-constructions, no function calls, no ''Z'' or ''X'' values, code size is less than 1 KLOC.
For Verilog - similar to VHDL.

If these limitations are satisfied there is a high probability that HDL Retrascope will be able to elaborate your design:-) Otherwise an exception will occur.
It is possible to run the HDL Retrascope both on several VHDL and Verilog designs. In such case a composite inner representation based on Control FLow Graph model will be constructed.

To transform Verilog design into Control Flow Graph model you need to run HDL Retrascope with the following parameters:

--target cfg /path/to/file/file.v

where "cfg" encodes Controlf Flow Graph model as target.

To transform VHDL design into Control Flow Graph model you need to run HDL Retrascope with the following parameters:

--target cfg --toplevel toplevel_name /path/to/file/file.vhd

where "toplevel" is an option that is obligatory for all VHDL designs that are being elaborated. The toplevel option value is a string name of the top-level module of the specified VHDL file. For example, to elaborate the following VHDL design (that is saved in the hello.vhd file):

entity hello_world is

architecture hello_world_arc of hello_world is
  stimulus : process
    assert false report "Hello World" 
    severity note;
  end process stimulus;
end hello_world_arc;

we need to run HDL Retrascope with the following parameters:

--target cfg --toplevel hello_world /path/to/file/hello.vhd




Updated by Sergey Smolov about 10 years ago · 64 revisions