


Installation Guide » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Alexander Kamkin, 12/11/2014 02:55 PM) → Revision 3/52 (Alexander Kamkin, 12/12/2014 11:07 AM)

h1. Installation Guide 

 h2. Eclipse IDE Installation 

 # TODO 
 # TODO 

 h2. Solver Installation 

 The "Retrascope": *Retrascope* core uses the Z3 solver to perform analysis of HDL descriptions. To install Z3 and make "Retrascope": *Retrascope* able to work with it, perform the following steps: 

 # Download the Z3 package from and unpack it. 
 # Specify the @SMT_SOLVER_PATH@ environment variable (it should point to the Z3 executable file). 

 h2. Zest Installation 

 Some of the "Retrascope IDE": *Retrascope IDE* engines depends on the Zest framework (e.g., it is used to visualize CFG and EFSM models). It is recommended to install it before working with the environment: 

 # TODO 
 # TODO 

 h2. Veditor Installation 

 # TODO