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Alexander Kamkin, 12/30/2014 02:00 PM

Getting Started

Running Retrascope

To run Retrascope, select the Retrascope / Configure and Run menu item and wait until a dialog box appears. Do the following:

  1. Choose Verilog and/or VHDL files you need to process (use the Add and Remove buttons to compose a list of files).
  2. Select targets you need to create on the base of the chosen HDL descriptions (check items in the Targets list).
  3. Optionally, choose engines you would like to use for your task (check items in the Engines list).
  4. Navigate through the engine tabs and specify engine-dependent parameters.
  5. Press the OK button.

Target Types

Target Description
Cfg A set of control flow graphs (CFGs)
Cfg Graphml A GraphML file depicting CFGs
Cfg Zest A Zest-based visualization of CFGs in IDE
Cfg Iface A set of interfaces
Cgaa A set of clocked guarded atomic actions (CGAAs)
Cgaa Graphml A GraphML file depicting CGAAs
Efsm A set of extended finite state machines (EFSMs)
Efsm Graphml A GraphML file depicting EFSMs
Efsm Zest A Zest-based visualization of EFSMs in IDE
Test A set of tests

Updated by Alexander Kamkin about 10 years ago · 11 revisions