Requality-installation » History » Revision 43
Revision 42 (Alexey Khoroshilov, 09/18/2020 02:12 PM) → Revision 43/49 (Viktoria Kopach, 10/21/2020 05:42 PM)
h1. System requirements h2. Windows |_. Dependency |_. Recommended version |_. x86, x86-64 | | "OpenJDK8 HotSpot": | 8.0 | x86 | | Visual C++ runtime (x64 only) | 2010 | "x86-64": | h2. Linux Dependencies below are known to be required for Ubuntu 16.04 x86, x86-64. Other Linux systems may require additional packages. |_. Dependency |_. Recommended version |_. x86, x86-64 |_. package name | | OpenJDK | 8.0 | i386 | openjdk-8-jre:i386 | | libxt6(64 only) | | | libxt6:i386 | Packages can be installed by "sudo apt-get install <package_name>" command in console for Debian-like systems. h1. Requality bundle Requality can be installed using bundle. For 64 bit systems it requires 32-bit version of Java and required libraries. |_. Version |_. Windows x86, x86-64 |_. Linux x86-64 |_. Linux x86 | |_. 1.2 1.1 (stable) |_. "Download bundle for Windows": Windows": |_. "Download bundle for Linux [64-bit]": [64-bit]": |_. "Download bundle for Linux [32-bit]": [32-bit]": | When download is completed please unpack archive at any place. After unpack folder requlity will appear. Please note! If using 64-bit systems you have to specify a path to 32-bit Java in 'requality.ini' before the "-vmargs" line as shown: <pre> "-vm <path-to-32bit-java>" </pre> As an example of <path-to-32bit-java> may be for Ubuntu: <pre> "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-i386/jre/bin" </pre> or for Windows <pre> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin" </pre> h1. Requality installation for advanced users [[Requality-manual-installation]]