


Getting Started » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Sergey Smolov, 06/29/2018 04:58 PM) → Revision 3/22 (Sergey Smolov, 07/10/2018 07:08 PM)

h1. Getting Started 


 h2. General notes 

 It is possible to terminate QEMU by hands only. Neither Ctrl-C nor Ctrl-Z works, use _kill <process-id>_ or _killall qemu-system*_. 

 h2. Aarch64 

 It is supposed that the following tools are successfully installed in your system: 
 - Toolchain for Aarch64 assembler programs compilation, linking, etc. (can be downloaded from "Linaro website": or just below, installation instruction is "here": 

 # Write First of all, let's write a simple Aarch64 program (it is called @sample.s@) @sample.s@ and is attached below) that does nothing but puts 0x10 value to X0 register and then halts. Here it is: 
	 .globl _start 
	 bl _start 
	 movz x1, #0x10, LSL #0 
	 hlt #57005 
 # To compile the Aarch64 assembler program, program called @sample.s@, do the following: 
 aarch64-linux-gnu-as sample.s -o sample.o 
 aarch64-linux-gnu-ld sample.o -o sample.elf 
 aarch64-linux-gnu-objcopy -O binary sample.elf sample.bin 
 # Finally, run _QEMU4V_ emulator with enabled option of microprocessor execution trace logging: 
 qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -cpu cortex-a57 -bios sample.bin -d nochain,in_asm -singlestep -nographic -trace-log -D log-file.txt 
 # Wait for a while, then stop QEMU. QEMU by hands (_NOTE_: neither Ctrl-C nor Ctrl-Z works, use 'kill <process-id>' or 'killall qemu-system*', for example). The following @log-file.txt@ trace file should be generated: 
 0 clk IT (0) 0000000000000000 94000001 A svc_ns : bl #+0x4 (addr 0x4) 
 1 clk IT (1) 0000000000000004 d2800201 A svc_ns : movz x1, #0x10, LSL #0 
 2 clk IT (2) 0000000000000008 d45bd5a0 A svc_ns : hlt #57005 

 h2. MIPS 

 It is supposed that the following tools are successfully installed in your system: 
 - Toolchain for MIPS assembler programs compilation, linking, etc. (a list of toolchains is available "here": 

 # First of all, let's write a simple MIPS program (it is called @sample.s@) that stores 0x10 value at x12345678 address. Here it is: 
	 .globl _start 
 lui $1, 0x1234 
 ori $1, $1, 0x5678 
 addi $8, $0, 10 
 sw $8, 0($1) 
 # To compile the MIPS assembler program, do the following: 
 mips-linux-gnu-as sample.s -o sample.o 
 mips-linux-gnu-ld sample.o -Ttext 0xbfc00000 -o sample.elf 
 # Finally, run _QEMU4V_ emulator: 
 qemu-system-mips -M mips -cpu mips32r6-generic -d unimp,nochain,in_asm -nographic -singlestep -D log.txt -bios sample.elf 
 # Wait for a while, then stop QEMU. The following @log-file.txt@ trace file should be generated: 
 0xbfc0fffc:    nop 

 0xbfc10000:    lui 	 at,0x1234 

 0xbfc10004:    ori 	 at,at,0x5678 

 0xbfc10008:    beqzalc 	 zero,t0,0xbfc10034 

 0xbfc10034:    cache 	 0x0,0(s8) 

 h2. RISC-V 

 It is supposed that the following tools are successfully installed in your system: 
 - Toolchain for RISC-V assembler programs compilation, linking, etc. (the source code and the installation guide are available "here": 

 # Write First of all, let's write a simple RISC-V program (it is called @sample.s@) @sample.s@ and is attached below) that does nothing but puts 0x18 value to @t1@ register and puts 0x21 value to @t2@ register. Here it is: 
 .globl _start 
  addi t1, zero, 0x18 
  addi t2, zero, 0x21 
 # To compile the RISC-V assembler program, program called @sample.s@, do the following: 
 aarch64-linux-gnu-as sample.s -o sample.o 
 aarch64-linux-gnu-ld sample.o -Ttext 0x1000 -o sample.elf 
 # Finally, run _QEMU4V_ emulator with enabled option of microprocessor execution trace logging (0x1000 value was used by linker because of QEMU-related features): 
 qemu-system-riscv64 -M spike_v1.10 -cpu any -d unimp,nochain,in_asm -nographic -singlestep -trace-log -kernel sample.elf 
 # Wait for a while, then stop QEMU. QEMU by hands (_NOTE_: neither Ctrl-C nor Ctrl-Z works, use 'kill <process-id>' or 'killall qemu-system*', for example). The following trace should be generated: 
 0 clk 0 IT (0) 0000000000001000 01800313 A svc_ns : li t1,24 
 1 clk R t1 0000000000000018 
 1 clk 0 IT (1) 0000000000001004 02100393 A svc_ns : li t2,33 
 2 clk R t2 0000000000000021 
 2 clk 0 IT (2) 0000000000001008 00000000 A svc_ns : unimp 
 3 clk 0 IT (3) 0000000000001010 00000000 A svc_ns : unimp 

 h2. X86 

 It is supposed that the following tools are successfully installed in your system: 
 - Toolchain for X86 assembler programs compilation, linking, etc. (we use "GCC": 

 # First of all, let's write a simple X86 program (it is called @sample.s@) that performs some calculations: 
 .globl _start 
         movl -8(%ebp, %edx, 4), %eax 
         movl -4(%ebp), %eax 
         movl (%ecx), %edx 
 # To compile the X86 GNU assembler program, do the following: 
 x86_64-linux-gnu-as sample.s -o sample.o 
 x86_64-linux-gnu-ld sample.o -o sample.elf 
 # Finally, run _QEMU4V_ emulator: 
 qemu-system-i386 -M pc -cpu 486 -d unimp,nochain,in_asm -nographic -singlestep -D log.txt -bios sample.elf 
 # Wait for a while, then stop QEMU. The following @log-file.txt@ trace file should be generated: 
 // TODO: generate log 