Installation Guide » History » Revision 26
Revision 25 (Andrei Tatarnikov, 03/19/2014 06:08 PM) → Revision 26/115 (Andrei Tatarnikov, 03/19/2014 06:12 PM)
h1. Installation Guide *UNDER CONSTRUCTION* _~By Andrei Tatarnikov~_ h3. System Requirements MicroTESK is a set of Java-based utilities that are run from the command line. It can be used on *_Windows, Linux and OS X_* machines that have *_JDK 1.6 or later_* installed. To build MicroTESK from source code or to build generated Java models, *_Apache Ant version 1.8_ or later* is required. To generate test data based on constraints, MicroTESK needs *_Microsoft Research Z3_* that can work under the corresponding operating system. h3. Installation Steps # Download from and unpack the MicroTESK installation package (the .tar.gz file, latest release) to your computer. # Download and install constraint solver tools to the "<installation folder>/tools" folder (see the "Installing Constraint Solver Tools" section). # Open your console terminal and set the "<installation folder>/bin" as the working directory. # Now you can run the (or .bat) script to create a microprocessor model and the (or .bat) script to generate test for this model. h3. Installing Constraint Solver Tools To generate test data based on constraints, MicroTESK requires external constraint solver engines. The current version uses the Z3 constraint solver by Microsoft Research ( The Z3 executable should be downloaded and placed to the "<installation folder>/tools" folder. * Windows users should download Z3 (32 or 64-bit version) from the following page:, unpack the archive and place the z3.exe file to the "<installation folder>/tools/z3/windows" folder. * UNIX and Linux users should use one of the links below and place the z3 executable file to the "<installation folder>/tools/z3/unix/z3" folder. Debian x64: Ubuntu x86: Ubuntu x64: FreeBSD x64: * OS X users should download Z3 from and place the z3 executable file to the "<installation folder>/z3/osx/z3" folder. h3. Installation Folder Structure The MicroTESK installation folder contains the following subfolders: # _arch_ Examples of microprocessor specifications and test templates for the described designs. # _bin_ Scripts to run features of MicroTESK (modelling and test generation). # _doc_ Documentation on MicroTESK and nML/Sim-nML. # _libs_ JAR files and Ruby scripts to perform modelling and test generation tasks. # _output_ Generated Java models of the specified microprocessor designs. h3. Running MicroTESK To generate a Java model of microprocessor from its nML specification, one needs to run the script (Unix, Linux, OS X) or the compile.bat script (Windows). For example, the following command generates a model from a MIPS ISA specification: <pre> sh ../arch/mips/model/newmips.nml </pre>