Building Project » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Alexander Kamkin, 01/10/2020 06:05 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Alexander Kamkin, 01/10/2020 06:06 PM)
h1. Building Project h2. Working in command line In command line, use "Gradle": (via the wrapper @gradlew@): * @./gradlew clean@ - Clean the previous build * @./gradlew assemble@ - Build the distribution package * @./gradlew test@ - Run the unit tests * @./gradlew build@ - Build the distribution package - Run the unit tests * @./gradlew release@ - Build the distribution package - Run the unit tests - Create the tag - Publish the distribution package in "Nexus": h2. Working in "IntelliJ IDEA": * Open @build.gradle@ as a project h2. Working in "Eclipse IDE": * Generate the Eclipse IDE project and classpath files with "Gradle": <pre>$ <pre> $ ./gradlew eclipse</pre> eclipse </pre> * Create a workspace located in the directory with @microtesk@ - Use the menu item @File/Switch Workspace...@ - Browse the directory * Import an existing project called @microtesk@ into the workspace - Use the menu item @File/Import...@ - Choose @General/Existing Projects into Workspace@ - Select the @microtesk@ folder as the root directory - Select the @microtesk@ project located in this directory - Press the @Finish@ button