2.6 open over 1 year late (03/16/2023) Tools: Oracle, Trace adapter 2% 72 issues (2 closed — 70 open) Related issues Bug #5813: Support of instance call in left part of assignment Actions Bug #5990: Memory state must be taken into account when generating test data Actions Bug #6329: java.lang.NullPointerException at ru.ispras.microtesk.mmu.translator.MmuTreeWalkerBase.newAttributeRef(MmuTreeWalkerBase.java:940) Actions Bug #6379: Using if-then-else in syntax causes an error Actions Bug #6380: Possibility to specify initial values for registers Actions Bug #6396: Handling TAG_REPLACED dependencies Actions Bug #6911: The "get_address_of" method must work with all label types. Actions Bug #7229: Unsupported assignment to mode Actions Bug #7313: Analysis for input/output parameters Actions Bug #7401: int_to_float is not supported for constant expressions Actions Bug #7603: List of plug-ins must be stored in etc/settings.xml Actions Bug #8060: Attributes image and syntax and static instances Actions Bug #8696: Parsing an mmu-file with empty read and write definitions causes IllegalArgumentException Actions Bug #9439: Cannot perform OR with Condition [type=AND ...] and Condition [type=AND ...] Actions Bug #9440: Bit field expressions must be statically calculated constants Actions Bug #9441: Unsupported operator BVADD Actions Bug #9471: ERROR (SEMANTIC): The given bitfield expressions cannot be reduced to constant value Actions Bug #9473: riscv.mmu 181:0 ERROR (SEMANTIC): "IF statements are not allowed in operations." Actions Bug #9869: Генерация граничных значений для регистров инструкций Actions Bug #10011: Необходима возможность преобразования конструкции if-then-else в mir представление Actions Bug #10061: Buffers are now shared among all processing elements Actions Bug #10064: Support FP instructions in MIR Actions Bug #10069: cpu.nml Error: Internal error: context [/Isa] 1:8 attribute file isn't defined Actions Bug #10070: [minimips] Нужно больше информации об ошибке "NameError: undefined local ..." Actions Bug #10091: [x86] ошибка при добавлении модели в src\main\etc\settings.xml Actions Bug #10121: technical output printing at 'compile.sh' script running with '--help' option Actions Bug #10124: Double preparation of the same register Actions Bug #10136: Comment for self checks differs from the others Actions Bug #10369: BubbleSortTestCase: first ori instruction doesn't write null in a register Actions Bug #10653: MicroTESK mode: IsaPrimitive cannot be converted Actions Bug #10657: Некорректная диагностика: вывод имени файла при указании строк для ошибки Actions Bug #10696: Error: Failed to load custom data generators for plasma. Actions Bug #10698: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments calling `target` (2 for 0) Actions Bug #10747: Переопределение define_section_text (в соответствии с microtesk-2.5-user-guide-ru) Actions Bug #10832: Parser allows bit vector extraction of array types Actions Bug #11695: error: cannot find symbol (зависимость mode от op) Actions Bug #12223: Конфликт инструкций с разными модификаторами (op, internal op) и с одним телом Actions Bug #12809: java.lang.ClassCastException: class ru.ispras.fortress.solver.constraint.Formulas cannot be cast to class ru.ispras.fortress.expression.Node Actions Feature #8587: ISA subsets Actions Feature #9455: Запись/Чтение в память в диапазоне <X..Y> (MEM[mem_index]<X..Y>) Actions Feature #10071: Влияние секции section_text на расположение exception_handler Actions Feature #10074: option that stores boot obj at the generated ld script Actions Developer Request #9472: Неочевидные преобразования типов при вычислении выражений Actions Developer Request #9870: Входной параметр в виде инструкции Actions Developer Request #11661: Загрузка данных в память через mode Actions Task #4061: Support for endianness Actions Task #5192: Assert constructions to check the model state during and after simulation Actions Task #5311: Shortcuts for getting modes from templates Actions Task #6064: Translator support for exporting symbols in marks Actions Task #6065: Handling marks with exported symbols in the coverage extractor Actions Task #6223: User-defined template-oriented extensions (plugins) Actions Task #6345: Support floating-point numbers in trace "". Actions Task #6461: Support for inline comments Actions Task #7678: Generation of LLVM configuration files from nML specifications Actions Task #7729: On-demand memory access path exploration (coverage extraction) Actions Task #8186: Full support for 'struct' in nml Actions Task #8481: Need a way to specify the termination address for the test program Actions Task #8691: Sign- and zero-extend functions in preparators Actions Task #9447: Доступ к константам *.nml из модулей *.mmu Actions Task #9448: Вызов метода init() в методе init() другого объекта op в *.mmu Actions Task #9476: Поддержка версии ревизий в настройках модели settings.xml Actions Task #9720: Определение влияния параметров на инструкцию Actions Task #10106: Support %b as format's specifier Actions Task #10107: Entry point specification in templates Actions Task #10122: Template libraries for standard features Actions Task #10193: Cache instances configuration Actions Task #10304: deprecation warnings via compilation Actions Task #10676: Реализовать метод для получения размера операции в nml спецификации Actions Task #10715: Подготовка данных для внутренних регистров Actions Task #10721: Отделение запуска тестов на QEMU в семействе инструментов MicroTESK в специальный класс Actions Task #12027: SMT Solvers: CVC4 -> CVC5 Actions Task #12258: Oracle tool. Добавить возможность указывать путь для рабочей директории инструмента Actions