



MicroTESK 2.0.2 released

Added by Alexander Kamkin almost 11 years ago

MicroTESK 2.0.2 has been released. The build contains the following changes:

  • An ability to manualy specify initialization code was implemented
  • The test templates library was improved
  • Test template examples for ARM were updated
  • Several bugs related to installation of MicroTESK were fixed
  • Default test situations Random and Zero were provided

MicroTESK 2.0.1 released

Added by Alexander Kamkin almost 11 years ago

We are happy to announce the first build of the MicroTESK 2.0 test program generator.

MicroTESK (Microprocessor TEsting and Specification Kit) is a reconfigurable framework for generating test programs for microprocessors and other programmable devices. The tool is customized for a specific instruction-set architecture with formal specifications in nML/Sim-nML language. Test programs are generated on a basis of test templates written in Ruby, which are abstract descriptions of test scenarios. Read more...

To generate test data, MicroTESK requires the Z3 solver be installed. See Installation Guide for more information.

The tool can be downloaded from the file page:

You are welcome to report bugs and leave your feedback at the main project site:

MicroTESK to be presented at DATE 2014

Added by Alexander Kamkin almost 11 years ago

The MicroTESK tool will be presented at the University Booth exhibition of the DATE 2014 conference - one of the biggest European events for electronic system design and test. The conference & exhibition will take place on March 24-28 in Dresden, Germany.

DATE, the Design, Automation and Test Conference and Exhibition, is the unique European event bringing together researchers together researchers, users and vendors as well as specialists in design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. The University Booth is a part of the DATE program. It is sponsored by the European Design and Automation Association, the EDA Consortium, the IEEE Council on EDA, ECSI, ACM SIGDA, and Russian Academy of Sciences. Read more...

MicroTESK to be presented at SYRCoSE 2013

Added by Alexander Kamkin over 11 years ago

We will make a presentation 'MicroTESK: An Extendable Framework for Test Program Generation' at the Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquim on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE). The event will take place on May 30-31 in Kazan, Russia.

SYRCoSE is a colloquium on software engineering targeted at young researchers (students, postgraduates, young PhD specialists, etc.). The main goal of the colloquium is to help young specialists to meet each other, to get more information on work of their colleagues, to exchange their experience, and to practice in presenting their results at international conferences and workshops. Read more...

MicroTESK to be presented at DATE 2013

Added by Alexander Kamkin almost 12 years ago

The MicroTESK tool will be presented at the University Booth exhibition of the DATE 2013 conference - one of the biggest European events for electronic system design and test. The conference & exhibition will take place on March 18-21 in Grenoble, France.

DATE, the Design, Automation and Test Conference and Exhibition, is the unique European event bringing together researchers together researchers, users and vendors as well as specialists in design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. The University Booth is a part of the DATE program. It is sponsored by the DATE Sponsor Society, by the European Design and Automation Association, the EDA Consortium, the IEEE Computer Society – TTTC and CEDA, ECSI, ACM SIGDA, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Read more...

Pictures of DATE 2013


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