RISC-V Instruction Set » History » Version 40
Andrei Tatarnikov, 07/26/2018 05:41 PM
1 | 7 | Andrei Tatarnikov | h1. Instructions supported by MicroTESK for RISC-V |
2 | |||
3 | 38 | Andrei Tatarnikov | The table below shows the state of support for particular instructions in MicroTESK for RISC-V. |
4 | |||
5 | There are three stages of support marked with different colors: |
6 | {background:#cfc}. | Fully supported | |
7 | {background:#ff9}. | Partially supported | |
8 | {background:#fcc}. | Currently unsupported | |
9 | |||
10 | 39 | Andrei Tatarnikov | To be supported in MicroTESK, instructions need to be described in formal specifications. The <code>Specified</code> column shows whether specific instructions were described in the specifications. |
11 | |||
12 | 40 | Andrei Tatarnikov | The instruction semantics described in specifications may be incomplete or invalid. Therefore, instruction specifications must be validated with tests (e.g. ones ported from https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests). To perform validation, the tests are executed in an ISA simulator constructed on the basis of the specifications. The <code>Validated</code> column shows whether the specifications of specific instructions were validated with tests. |
13 | |||
14 | NOTE: Incomplete or invalid semantics of instruction in specifications does not that these instructions cannot be used in test programs. It just prevent using them in tests that require information on the current state of registers and memory (e.g. self-checking tests and constraint-based tests). In general, to generate random tests, only the syntax of instructions is required to be valid whereas the semantics may be incomplete. |
15 | 39 | Andrei Tatarnikov | |
16 | 11 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {font-weight:bold; background:#ddd}. | Instruction Set | Instructions | Specified | Validated | |
17 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32I (User)* | LUI |
18 | 19 | Andrei Tatarnikov | AUIPC |
19 | JAL |
20 | JALR |
21 | BEQ |
22 | BNE |
23 | BLT |
24 | BGE |
25 | BLTU |
26 | BGEU |
27 | LB |
28 | LH |
29 | LW |
30 | LBU |
31 | LHU |
32 | SB |
33 | SH |
34 | SW |
35 | ADDI |
36 | SLTI |
37 | SLTIU |
38 | XORI |
39 | ORI |
40 | ANDI |
41 | SLLI |
42 | SRLI |
43 | SRAI |
44 | SLL |
45 | SRL |
46 | SRA |
47 | ADD |
48 | SUB |
49 | SLT |
50 | SLTU |
51 | XOR |
52 | OR |
53 | 23 | Andrei Tatarnikov | AND | Yes (37/37) | Yes (37/37) | |
54 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64I (User)* | LWU |
55 | 22 | Andrei Tatarnikov | LD |
56 | SD |
57 | ADDIW |
58 | SLLIW |
59 | SRLIW |
60 | SRAIW |
61 | ADDW |
62 | SUBW |
63 | SLLW |
64 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | SRLW |
65 | SRAW | Yes (12/12) | Yes (12/12) | |
66 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32I (System)* | ECALL |
67 | EBREAK |
68 | FENCE |
69 | FENCE.I |
70 | MRET |
71 | SRET |
72 | URET |
73 | WFI |
74 | CSRRW |
75 | CSRRS |
76 | CSRRC |
77 | CSRRWI |
78 | CSRRSI |
79 | 31 | Andrei Tatarnikov | CSRRCI | Yes (14/14) | No (0/14) | |
80 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32M* | MUL |
81 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | MULH |
82 | MULHSU |
83 | MULHU |
84 | DIV |
85 | DIVU |
86 | REM |
87 | REMU | Yes (8/8) | Yes (8/8) | |
88 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64M* | MULW |
89 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | DIVW |
90 | DIVUW |
91 | REMW |
92 | REMUW | Yes (5/5) | Yes (5/5) | |
93 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32A* | LR.W |
94 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | SC.W |
95 | AMOSWAP.W |
96 | AMOADD.W |
97 | AMOXOR.W |
98 | AMOAND.W |
99 | AMOOR.W |
100 | AMOMIN.W |
101 | AMOMAX.W |
102 | AMOMINU.W |
103 | AMOMAXU.W | Yes (11/11) | Yes (11/11) | |
104 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64A* | LR.D |
105 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | SC.D |
106 | AMOSWAP.D |
107 | AMOADD.D |
108 | AMOXOR.D |
109 | AMOAND.D |
110 | AMOOR.D |
111 | AMOMIN.D |
112 | AMOMAX.D |
113 | AMOMINU.D |
114 | AMOMAXU.D | Yes (11/11) | Yes (11/11) | |
115 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32F* | FLW |
116 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FSW |
117 | FMADD.S |
118 | FMSUB.S |
119 | FNMSUB.S |
120 | FNMADD.S |
121 | FADD.S |
122 | FSUB.S |
123 | FMUL.S |
124 | FDIV.S |
125 | FSQRT.S |
126 | FSGNJ.S |
127 | FSGNJN.S |
128 | FSGNJX.S |
129 | FMIN.S |
130 | FMAX.S |
131 | FCVT.W.S |
132 | FCVT.WU.S |
133 | FMV.X.W (FMV.X.S) |
134 | FEQ.S |
135 | FLT.S |
136 | FLE.S |
137 | FCLASS.S |
138 | FCVT.S.W |
139 | FCVT.S.WU |
140 | 35 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.W.X (FMV.S.X) | Yes (26/26) | Partially (8/26) |
141 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | Including (8): |
142 | 35 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FLW |
143 | FSW |
144 | FEQ_S |
145 | FLE_S |
146 | FLT_S |
147 | FEQ_S |
148 | FLE_S |
149 | FLT_S | |
150 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV64F* | FCVT.L.S |
151 | FCVT.LU.S |
152 | FCVT.S.L |
153 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FCVT.S.LU | Yes (4/4) | Partially (0/4) | |
154 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32D* | FLD |
155 | FSD |
156 | FMADD.D |
157 | FMSUB.D |
158 | FNMSUB.D |
159 | FNMADD.D |
160 | FADD.D |
161 | FSUB.D |
162 | FMUL.D |
163 | FDIV.D |
164 | FSQRT.D |
165 | FSGNJ.D |
166 | FSGNJN.D |
167 | FSGNJX.D |
168 | FMIN.D |
169 | FMAX.D |
170 | FCVT.S.D |
171 | FCVT.D.S |
172 | FEQ.D |
173 | FLT.D |
174 | FLE.D |
175 | FCLASS.D |
176 | FCVT.W.D |
177 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | FCVT.WU.D |
178 | FCVT.D.W |
179 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FCVT.D.WU | Yes (26/26) | Partially (2/26) |
180 | Including (2): |
181 | FLD |
182 | FSD | |
183 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV64D* | FCVT.L.D |
184 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | FCVT.LU.D |
185 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.X.D |
186 | FCVT.D.L |
187 | FCVT.D.LU |
188 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.D.X | Yes (6/6) | No (0/6) | |
189 | 28 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RVC* | C.ADDI4SPN |
190 | C.FLD |
191 | C.LQ |
192 | C.LW |
193 | C.FLW |
194 | C.LD |
195 | C.FSD |
196 | C.SQ |
197 | C.SW |
198 | C.FSW |
199 | C.SD |
200 | C.NOP |
201 | C.ADDI |
202 | C.JAL |
203 | C.ADDIW |
204 | C.LI |
205 | C.ADDI16SP |
206 | C.LUI |
207 | C.SRLI |
208 | C.SRLI64 |
209 | C.SRAI |
210 | C.SRAI64 |
211 | C.ANDI |
212 | C.SUB |
213 | C.XOR |
214 | C.OR |
215 | C.AND |
216 | C.SUBW |
217 | C.ADDW |
218 | C.J |
219 | C.BEQZ |
220 | C.BNEZ |
221 | C.SLLI |
222 | C.SLLI64 |
223 | C.FLDSP |
224 | C.LQSP |
225 | C.LWSP |
226 | C.FLWSP |
227 | C.LDSP |
228 | C.JR |
229 | C.MV |
230 | C.EBREAK |
231 | C.JALR |
232 | C.ADD |
233 | C.FSDSP |
234 | C.SQSP |
235 | C.SWSP |
236 | C.FSWSP |
237 | C.SDSP | Yes (49/49) | Partially (36/49) |
238 | 32 | Andrei Tatarnikov | Excluding (13): |
239 | C.LQ |
240 | C.FLW |
241 | C.SQ |
242 | C.FSW |
243 | C.NOP |
244 | C.SRLI64 |
245 | C.SRAI64 |
246 | C.SLLI64 |
247 | C.LQSP |
248 | C.FLWSP |
249 | C.EBREAK |
250 | C.SQSP |
251 | C.FSWSP | |
252 | 34 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#fcc}. | *RV64Q* | | No | No | |
253 | 33 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#fcc}. | *RV32V* | VADD |
254 | VSUB |
255 | VSL |
256 | VSR |
257 | VAND |
258 | VOR |
259 | VXOR |
260 | VSEQ |
261 | VSNE |
262 | VSLT |
263 | VSGE |
264 | VCLIP |
265 | VCVT |
266 | VMPOP |
267 | VMFIRST |
268 | VEXTRACT |
269 | VINSERT |
270 | VMERGE |
271 | VSELECT |
272 | VSLIDE |
273 | VDIV |
274 | VREM |
275 | VMUL |
276 | VMULH |
277 | VMIN |
278 | VMAX |
279 | VSGNJ |
280 | VSGNJN |
281 | VSGNJX |
282 | VSQRT |
283 | VCLASS |
284 | VPOPC |
285 | VADDI |
286 | VSLI |
287 | VSRI |
288 | VANDI |
289 | VORI |
290 | VXORI |
291 | VCLIPI |
292 | 10 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VMADD |
293 | 7 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VMSUB |
294 | 37 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VNMADD |
295 | VNMSUB | No | No | |
296 | {background:#ddd}. | Total | | | | |