RISC-V Instruction Set » History » Version 39
Andrei Tatarnikov, 07/26/2018 05:35 PM
1 | 7 | Andrei Tatarnikov | h1. Instructions supported by MicroTESK for RISC-V |
2 | |||
3 | 38 | Andrei Tatarnikov | The table below shows the state of support for particular instructions in MicroTESK for RISC-V. |
4 | |||
5 | There are three stages of support marked with different colors: |
6 | {background:#cfc}. | Fully supported | |
7 | {background:#ff9}. | Partially supported | |
8 | {background:#fcc}. | Currently unsupported | |
9 | |||
10 | 39 | Andrei Tatarnikov | To be supported in MicroTESK, instructions need to be described in formal specifications. The <code>Specified</code> column shows whether specific instructions were described in the specifications. |
11 | |||
12 | The instruction semantics described in specifications may be incomplete or invalid. Therefore, instruction specifications are validated with tests (e.g. ones ported from https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests). To perform validation, the tests are executed in an ISA simulator constructed on the basis of the specifications. The <code>Validated</code> column shows whether the specifications of specific instructions were validated with tests. |
13 | |||
14 | 11 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {font-weight:bold; background:#ddd}. | Instruction Set | Instructions | Specified | Validated | |
15 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32I (User)* | LUI |
16 | 19 | Andrei Tatarnikov | AUIPC |
17 | JAL |
18 | JALR |
19 | BEQ |
20 | BNE |
21 | BLT |
22 | BGE |
23 | BLTU |
24 | BGEU |
25 | LB |
26 | LH |
27 | LW |
28 | LBU |
29 | LHU |
30 | SB |
31 | SH |
32 | SW |
33 | ADDI |
34 | SLTI |
35 | SLTIU |
36 | XORI |
37 | ORI |
38 | ANDI |
39 | SLLI |
40 | SRLI |
41 | SRAI |
42 | SLL |
43 | SRL |
44 | SRA |
45 | ADD |
46 | SUB |
47 | SLT |
48 | SLTU |
49 | XOR |
50 | OR |
51 | 23 | Andrei Tatarnikov | AND | Yes (37/37) | Yes (37/37) | |
52 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64I (User)* | LWU |
53 | 22 | Andrei Tatarnikov | LD |
54 | SD |
55 | ADDIW |
56 | SLLIW |
57 | SRLIW |
58 | SRAIW |
59 | ADDW |
60 | SUBW |
61 | SLLW |
62 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | SRLW |
63 | SRAW | Yes (12/12) | Yes (12/12) | |
64 | 30 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32I (System)* | ECALL |
65 | EBREAK |
66 | FENCE |
67 | FENCE.I |
68 | MRET |
69 | SRET |
70 | URET |
71 | WFI |
72 | CSRRW |
73 | CSRRS |
74 | CSRRC |
75 | CSRRWI |
76 | CSRRSI |
77 | 31 | Andrei Tatarnikov | CSRRCI | Yes (14/14) | No (0/14) | |
78 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32M* | MUL |
79 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | MULH |
80 | MULHSU |
81 | MULHU |
82 | DIV |
83 | DIVU |
84 | REM |
85 | REMU | Yes (8/8) | Yes (8/8) | |
86 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64M* | MULW |
87 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | DIVW |
88 | DIVUW |
89 | REMW |
90 | REMUW | Yes (5/5) | Yes (5/5) | |
91 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV32A* | LR.W |
92 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | SC.W |
93 | AMOSWAP.W |
94 | AMOADD.W |
95 | AMOXOR.W |
96 | AMOAND.W |
97 | AMOOR.W |
98 | AMOMIN.W |
99 | AMOMAX.W |
100 | AMOMINU.W |
101 | AMOMAXU.W | Yes (11/11) | Yes (11/11) | |
102 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#cfc}. | *RV64A* | LR.D |
103 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | SC.D |
104 | AMOSWAP.D |
105 | AMOADD.D |
106 | AMOXOR.D |
107 | AMOAND.D |
108 | AMOOR.D |
109 | AMOMIN.D |
110 | AMOMAX.D |
111 | AMOMINU.D |
112 | AMOMAXU.D | Yes (11/11) | Yes (11/11) | |
113 | 15 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32F* | FLW |
114 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FSW |
115 | FMADD.S |
116 | FMSUB.S |
117 | FNMSUB.S |
118 | FNMADD.S |
119 | FADD.S |
120 | FSUB.S |
121 | FMUL.S |
122 | FDIV.S |
123 | FSQRT.S |
124 | FSGNJ.S |
125 | FSGNJN.S |
126 | FSGNJX.S |
127 | FMIN.S |
128 | FMAX.S |
129 | FCVT.W.S |
130 | FCVT.WU.S |
131 | FMV.X.W (FMV.X.S) |
132 | FEQ.S |
133 | FLT.S |
134 | FLE.S |
135 | FCLASS.S |
136 | FCVT.S.W |
137 | FCVT.S.WU |
138 | 35 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.W.X (FMV.S.X) | Yes (26/26) | Partially (8/26) |
139 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | Including (8): |
140 | 35 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FLW |
141 | FSW |
142 | FEQ_S |
143 | FLE_S |
144 | FLT_S |
145 | FEQ_S |
146 | FLE_S |
147 | FLT_S | |
148 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV64F* | FCVT.L.S |
149 | FCVT.LU.S |
150 | FCVT.S.L |
151 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FCVT.S.LU | Yes (4/4) | Partially (0/4) | |
152 | 17 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV32D* | FLD |
153 | FSD |
154 | FMADD.D |
155 | FMSUB.D |
156 | FNMSUB.D |
157 | FNMADD.D |
158 | FADD.D |
159 | FSUB.D |
160 | FMUL.D |
161 | FDIV.D |
162 | FSQRT.D |
163 | FSGNJ.D |
164 | FSGNJN.D |
165 | FSGNJX.D |
166 | FMIN.D |
167 | FMAX.D |
168 | FCVT.S.D |
169 | FCVT.D.S |
170 | FEQ.D |
171 | FLT.D |
172 | FLE.D |
173 | FCLASS.D |
174 | FCVT.W.D |
175 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | FCVT.WU.D |
176 | FCVT.D.W |
177 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FCVT.D.WU | Yes (26/26) | Partially (2/26) |
178 | Including (2): |
179 | FLD |
180 | FSD | |
181 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RV64D* | FCVT.L.D |
182 | 1 | Alexander Protsenko | FCVT.LU.D |
183 | 18 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.X.D |
184 | FCVT.D.L |
185 | FCVT.D.LU |
186 | 36 | Andrei Tatarnikov | FMV.D.X | Yes (6/6) | No (0/6) | |
187 | 28 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#ff9}. | *RVC* | C.ADDI4SPN |
188 | C.FLD |
189 | C.LQ |
190 | C.LW |
191 | C.FLW |
192 | C.LD |
193 | C.FSD |
194 | C.SQ |
195 | C.SW |
196 | C.FSW |
197 | C.SD |
198 | C.NOP |
199 | C.ADDI |
200 | C.JAL |
201 | C.ADDIW |
202 | C.LI |
203 | C.ADDI16SP |
204 | C.LUI |
205 | C.SRLI |
206 | C.SRLI64 |
207 | C.SRAI |
208 | C.SRAI64 |
209 | C.ANDI |
210 | C.SUB |
211 | C.XOR |
212 | C.OR |
213 | C.AND |
214 | C.SUBW |
215 | C.ADDW |
216 | C.J |
217 | C.BEQZ |
218 | C.BNEZ |
219 | C.SLLI |
220 | C.SLLI64 |
221 | C.FLDSP |
222 | C.LQSP |
223 | C.LWSP |
224 | C.FLWSP |
225 | C.LDSP |
226 | C.JR |
227 | C.MV |
228 | C.EBREAK |
229 | C.JALR |
230 | C.ADD |
231 | C.FSDSP |
232 | C.SQSP |
233 | C.SWSP |
234 | C.FSWSP |
235 | C.SDSP | Yes (49/49) | Partially (36/49) |
236 | 32 | Andrei Tatarnikov | Excluding (13): |
237 | C.LQ |
238 | C.FLW |
239 | C.SQ |
240 | C.FSW |
241 | C.NOP |
242 | C.SRLI64 |
243 | C.SRAI64 |
244 | C.SLLI64 |
245 | C.LQSP |
246 | C.FLWSP |
247 | C.EBREAK |
248 | C.SQSP |
249 | C.FSWSP | |
250 | 34 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#fcc}. | *RV64Q* | | No | No | |
251 | 33 | Andrei Tatarnikov | {background:#fcc}. | *RV32V* | VADD |
252 | VSUB |
253 | VSL |
254 | VSR |
255 | VAND |
256 | VOR |
257 | VXOR |
258 | VSEQ |
259 | VSNE |
260 | VSLT |
261 | VSGE |
262 | VCLIP |
263 | VCVT |
264 | VMPOP |
265 | VMFIRST |
266 | VEXTRACT |
267 | VINSERT |
268 | VMERGE |
269 | VSELECT |
270 | VSLIDE |
271 | VDIV |
272 | VREM |
273 | VMUL |
274 | VMULH |
275 | VMIN |
276 | VMAX |
277 | VSGNJ |
278 | VSGNJN |
279 | VSGNJX |
280 | VSQRT |
281 | VCLASS |
282 | VPOPC |
283 | VADDI |
284 | VSLI |
285 | VSRI |
286 | VANDI |
287 | VORI |
288 | VXORI |
289 | VCLIPI |
290 | 10 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VMADD |
291 | 7 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VMSUB |
292 | 37 | Andrei Tatarnikov | VNMADD |
293 | VNMSUB | No | No | |
294 | {background:#ddd}. | Total | | | | |