


Installation of unstable (bleeding edge) version » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Denis Buzdalov, 02/22/2018 04:09 PM) → Revision 5/8 (Denis Buzdalov, 02/22/2018 04:10 PM)

h1. Installation of the _bleeding edge_ version 

 Instruction version 22.02.2018. 

 h2. Install Eclipse (if you don't have one) some) 

 Since MASIW is a set of plugins, you need an Eclipse framework at first. 
 Eclipse Neon is the main currently supported version at the moment (however, we've had some positive experience using Eclipse Oxygen, too). 

 Recommended variant of Eclipse is _Eclipse Modeling Tools_ variant, which can be downloaded here: 

 h2. Tune update sites 

 At first, you need to add all needed update sites. 

 Download the file @update-sites--masiw.xml@ attached to this page: . 
 In Eclipse choose @Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites@, then click @Import...@ and select this file. 

 If your Eclipse installation is *not* an _Eclipse Modeling Tools_ one then do the same with the @update-sites--eclipse-neon-modelling-tools.xml@ file: . 

 h2. Perform installation 

 Download the file @masiw--to-install.p2f@ attached to this page: . 
 Choose @File -> Import... -> Install -> Install Software Items from File@, then click @Browse@ and select this file. 
 Then select @Contact all update sites during install to find required software@, *this is important*! 
 Click @Next@ couple of times, agree with licenses and click @Finish@. 

 During installation Eclipse may ask for installation of unsigned content, this is a known issue, you should continue installation. 
 After installation you should restart Eclipse. 

 h2. Using MASIW 

 MASIW has its own MASIW Perspective which should be selected with special switch (usually at the top on the right side of the window) or by selecting @Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective@ and then choosing @MASIW@ or @Other@ and then @MASIW@. MASIW projects are best be viewed in the @MASIW Projects@ view, not in @Project explorer@. @MASIW Projects@ view allow you to perform MASIW-specific things like opening AADL-files and instance models, running analyses and etc. 

 h2. Further updates 

 To update MASIW later, you need to click @Help -> Check for updates@ (if this is not done automatically). 
 Make sure that MASIW-related update sites are enabled.