


Haskell » History » Revision 85

Revision 84 (Grigoriy Volkov, 02/28/2020 03:09 PM) → Revision 85/90 (Grigoriy Volkov, 03/02/2020 02:54 PM)

h1. Haskell 

 h2. Изучение 

 Денис Москвин. Функциональное программирование на языке Haskell., видеокурс 
 > "Часть 1.": 
 > "Часть 2.": 

 "О Haskell по-человечески": 
 "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!": 
 "Real World Haskell by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen": 

 "ru.haskell— сообщество русскоговорящих Haskell-разработчиков": 
 > "Полезные ссылки": 

 "ru.haskell wiki": 
 > "Настройка редакторов для поддержки Haskell": 

 "Haskell Cheatsheet": 
 "Stack cookbook": 
 "The Haskell Phrasebook": 

 h2. Best practices 

 * "Import modules properly": 
 * "deriving via": 
 ** "Mirror Mirror: Reflection and Encoding Via": <code>deriving ToJSON via Codec (Drop "user" & SnakeCase) User</code> 

 h2. snippets 

 * [[HaskellMaybeChecks]] 

 h2. ghci debugging 

 :set -fbreak-on-error -fbreak-on-exception 
 :trace machineMain 
 :force _exception 

 h2. libs 

 * "co-log": 
 * "named": arguments 
 * "refined": — refinement types <pre>type ProperFraction = Refined (And (Not (LessThan 0)) (Not (GreaterThan 1))) Double</pre> 
 * "Data.Sequence": — list with fast append on both sides 
 * "bound: Making de Bruijn Succ Less": — convenient combinators for working with "locally-nameless" terms. These can be useful when writing a type checker, evaluator, parser, or pretty printer for terms that contain binders like forall or lambda 
 * "Workflow": — computations resumable from storage (!) 
 * "capability": — effects based on DerivingVia 
 * "compose-trans": 
 * "filepath-bytestring": 
 * "product-profunctors": generalization of Applicative 
 * "parameterized-utils": 
 * "mutable": 
 * "first-class-instances": 
 * "generic-data": 
 * "tree-diff": 
 * "deriving-aeson": 
 * SMT: 
 ** "concat": ("z3cat": || "smt example": — *"Compiling to categories":* — compiler plugin for translating normal Haskell functions (on standard types) to SMT, etc. 
 ** "SBV: SMT Based Verification": — translates Haskell functions on custom symbolic types 
 * Testing: 
 ** "quickcheck": 
 *** "The official QuickCheck manual": 
 *** "John Hughes - Building on developers' intuitions to create effective property-based tests | Lambda Days 19": 
 *** "quickcheck-state-machine": 
 *** "Testing higher-order properties with QuickCheck": 
 ** "leancheck": enumerative property-based testing core 
 *** "extrapolate": generalize counter-examples of properties 
 *** "speculate": discover properties 
 *** "fitspec": refine properties by mutation 
 ** "hedgehog": property 
 *** "How to use Hedgehog to test a real world, large scale, stateful app": 
 *** "supports state machines": 
 ** "dejafu": concurrency 
 ** "type-spec: type level testing eDSL": 
 ** "should-not-typecheck": 
 * Constraints: 
 * HKD: 
 * (Reversible) Parsing: 
 ** invertible-grammar _by Eugene Smolanka, Sergey Vinokurov_  
 ** Syntax _by Paweł Nowak (Pavel Christof?) @2014_ 
 ** Unparse _by Tillmann Rendel and Klaus Ostermann @2010_ ("paper": 
 *** invertible-syntax _by Tillmann Rendel @2010_ 
 **** _@2010-2011_ 
 **** _@2011-2017_ 
 **** _@2016-2018_ 
 *** invertible-grammar _by Eugene Smolanka and Sergey Vinokurov @2015-2019_ 
 **** _@2015-2019_ 
 **** "Reversible S-expression parser": _@2015-2019_ 
 ** Fresnel, Prism-based unified parsers and pretty printers _by Fraser Tweedale @2016_ 
 *** _@2016-2017_ 
 ** (related) new @optics@ library, alternative to @lens@ _@2019_ 
 *** "Announcement": 
 ** (related) "generic-lens": 
 ** (related) Binary (ByteString-based) serialization _by Lennart Kolmodin @2006-2019_ 
 ** monadic 
 *** "Towards monadic bidirectional serialization": 
 *** "Monadic profunctors for bidirectional programming": 

 h2. exts 

 * "Existential Quantification": 
 * "RebindableSyntax": — overloading built-in operators / do notation 
 * "NullaryTypeClasses": — global implementation of one thing 
 * "DataKinds": , TypeFamilies (+ GHC.TypeLits) — type-level annotations 
 ** "Basic Type Level Programming in Haskell": 
 ** "Parsing type-level strings in Haskell": 
 ** "Servant, Type Families, and Type-level Everything": 
 ** "Haskell Type Names as Strings": 

 h2. other 

 * "ST Monad": for imperative algorithms 
 * "A Rosetta Stone for Haskell Abstractions": Applicative, StateT, Lens 
 * "Is it possible to place inequality constraints on haskell type variables?": 
 * "Practical uses of the Tardis monad?: 'build a packet ... where the fixed-length lengths and offsets of some variable length data are sent out before the actual data themselves'": 
 * "Comonadic builders": 
 * "GHC.Stack": — can get code position for DSL 
 * "GHC's Specializer: Much More Than You Wanted to Know": 
 * "Type Classes and Constraints": 
 * "Reified dictionaries": GADT allows us to reify a constraint as an explicit dictionary 
 * "Demystifying MonadBaseControl": 
 * "The Functor Combinatorpedia": 
 * Cont: 
 ** "Control.Monad.Trans.Cont": 
 ** "CC-delcont": 
 ** "Delimited continuations in Haskell": 
 ** "A Monadic Framework for DelimitedContinuations": 
 ** "Haskell's continuation monad": 
 * Tagless Final / Overloading: 
 ** "Introduction to Tagless Final": 
 ** "Tagless Final Encoding in Haskell": 
 ** "Typed final (aka, ``tagless-final'') style": is a general method of embedding domain-specific languages (DSL) 
 ** "Overloading lambda": 
 * TypeFamilies: 
 ** "Functional Dependencies & Type Families": 
 ** "Associated Types and Haskell": 
 ** "Partially applied type families GHC Proposal": 
 ** "On the arity of type families": + "Higher-order Type-level Programming in Haskell": 
 ** "Type Class Instances for Type-Level Lambdas in Haskell": 
 ** "Defunctionalization for Haskell Type Families": 
 ** "Haskell with only one type family": 
 * HKD: 
 ** "Functor Functors": 
 ** "Higher-Kinded Data":  
 ** "Deriving instances for higher-kinded data": 
 * "Haskell's kind system - a primer": 
 * "Advent of optics": (не в смысле библиотеки optics) 
 * "Four ways to partially apply constraint tuples": 
 * "Opaque constraint synonyms": 
 * "Tripping up type inference / Ambiguous Tags": 
 * "Building a Friendly and Safe EDSL with IxState and TypeLits": config builder