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Grigoriy Volkov, 12/11/2018 03:34 PM
- concat (z3cat || smt example) — Compiling to categories — compiler plugin for translating normal Haskell functions (on standard types) to SMT, etc.
- SBV: SMT Based Verification — translates Haskell functions on custom symbolic types
- refined — refinement types
type ProperFraction = Refined (And (Not (LessThan 0)) (Not (GreaterThan 1))) Double
- hedgehog — random test gen (QuickCheck)
- GHC.Stack — can get code position for DSL
- Data.Sequence — list with fast append on both sides
- RebindableSyntax — overloading built-in operators / do notation
- NullaryTypeClasses — global implementation of one thing
Using Maybe Monad for checks¶
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-} import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe) import Data.List (nub) data Group = X25519 | Secp384 deriving (Eq) data KeyShareData = KeyShareClientHello [Group] | KeyShareHelloRetryRequest Group data Ext = SupportedGroups [Group] | KeyShares KeyShareData check :: [Ext] -> [Ext] -> Bool check eCH eHRR = isJust $ do sgCH <- exactlyOne $ mapMaybe (\case SupportedGroups gs -> Just gs; _ -> Nothing) eCH continueIf $ nub sgCH == sgCH -- no duplicates allowed ksCH <- (\case KeyShareClientHello gs -> Just gs; _ -> Nothing) =<< exactlyOne (mapMaybe (\case KeyShares ks -> Just ks; _ -> Nothing) eCH) ksHRR <- (\case KeyShareHelloRetryRequest g -> Just g; _ -> Nothing) =<< exactlyOne (mapMaybe (\case KeyShares ks -> Just ks; _ -> Nothing) eHRR) continueIf $ nub ksCH == ksCH -- no duplicates allowed continueIf $ ksHRR `elem` sgCH -- group must be supported continueIf $ ksHRR `notElem` ksCH -- key share must not have been already sent exactlyOne :: [a] -> Maybe a exactlyOne [x] = Just x exactlyOne _ = Nothing continueIf :: Bool -> Maybe () continueIf True = Just () continueIf False = Nothing
Updated by Grigoriy Volkov over 6 years ago · 90 revisions