


Haskell » History » Revision 22

Revision 21 (Grigoriy Volkov, 04/16/2019 03:34 PM) → Revision 22/90 (Grigoriy Volkov, 04/16/2019 04:20 PM)

h1. Haskell 

 h2. Изучение 

 Денис Москвин. Функциональное программирование на языке Haskell., видеокурс 
 > "Часть 1.": 
 > "Часть 2.": 

 "О Haskell по-человечески": 
 "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!": 
 "Real World Haskell by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen": 

 "ru.haskell— сообщество русскоговорящих Haskell-разработчиков": 
 > "Полезные ссылки": 

 "ru.haskell wiki": 
 > "Настройка редакторов для поддержки Haskell": 

 "Haskell Cheatsheet": 
 "Stack cookbook": 

 h2. snippets 

 * [[HaskellMaybeChecks]] 
 * [[HaskellTypeLevelMachine]] 

 h2. ghci debugging 

 :set -fbreak-on-error -fbreak-on-exception 
 :trace machineMain 
 :force _exception 

 h2. libs 

 * "co-log": 
 * "named": arguments 
 * "binary-parsers": 
 * "concat": ("z3cat": || "smt example": — *"Compiling to categories":* — compiler plugin for translating normal Haskell functions (on standard types) to SMT, etc. 
 * "SBV: SMT Based Verification": — translates Haskell functions on custom symbolic types 
 * "refined": — refinement types <pre>type ProperFraction = Refined (And (Not (LessThan 0)) (Not (GreaterThan 1))) Double</pre> 
 * "hedgehog": — random test gen (QuickCheck) 
 * "dejafu": — concurrency testing 
 * "GHC.Stack": — can get code position for DSL 
 * "Data.Sequence": — list with fast append on both sides 

 h2. exts 

 * "Existential Quantification": 
 * "RebindableSyntax": — overloading built-in operators / do notation 
 * "NullaryTypeClasses": — global implementation of one thing 
 * "DataKinds": , TypeFamilies (+ GHC.TypeLits) — type-level annotations 
 ** "Basic Type Level Programming in Haskell": 
 ** "Parsing type-level strings in Haskell": 
 ** "Servant, Type Families, and Type-level Everything": 
 ** "Haskell Type Names as Strings": 

 h2. other 

 * "ST Monad": for imperative algorithms 
 * "A Rosetta Stone for Haskell Abstractions": Applicative, StateT, Lens 
 * "Is it possible to place inequality constraints on haskell type variables?": 
 * "Associated Types and Haskell": 
 * "Practical uses of the Tardis monad?: 'build a packet ... where the fixed-length lengths and offsets of some variable length data are sent out before the actual data themselves'": 
 * "Comonadic builders": 
 * "Typed final (aka, ``tagless-final'') style": is a general method of embedding domain-specific languages (DSL) 
 * "Control.Monad.Trans.Cont": / "CC-delcont": / "Delimited continuations in Haskell": / "A Monadic Framework for DelimitedContinuations":