


Wiki » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (Alexander Kamkin, 09/26/2011 04:02 PM) → Revision 12/21 (Alexander Kamkin, 09/27/2011 11:56 AM)

h1. Wiki Start Page 

 [[C++TESK Testing ToolKit]] was created to facilitate [[verification]] of complex hardware designs. C++TESK includes all the best [[CTESK]] abilities of FSM-based test stimuli generation and usage of pre- and post-conditions. To start using the toolkit is possible after downloading, decompressing, compiling with gcc. 

 The toolkit delivers rather useful and convenient API to create [[test systems]] for hardware models. All the components of test systems based on the toolkit are written only by means C++ language. The test systems usually include following components: a test oracle (it includes a reference model and an adapter for the model), a functional coverage tracker based on the reference model, test scenarios. The test systems being developed follow TLM-like approach to the sending data between its components; both approaches are based on messages. According to the level of detail of the reference model and the carefulness of the oracle, the resulted test system can be called cycle-accurate, approximated, and time-free. 



 [[Command Line Utilities]] 

 [[System Requirements]] 

 [[Installation Guide]]