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Alexander Kamkin, 09/26/2011 04:10 PM

Installation Guide


This document describes the steps should be followed during the installation process of С++TESK Testing ToolKit (hereinafter C++TESK). In addition to C++TESK the following tools are recommended to be installed. The first one is the simulator Icarus Verilog ( The second one is VeriTool ( based on Icarus Verilog and used for generation of auxiliaries components of test systems. Before installing the toolkit make sure that System Requirements are satisfied.


To have C++TESK installed you should pass the following steps:

1.Download the latest version of C++TESK from page It’ll be an archive named cpptesk-toolkit-src-*.tar.gz.
2.Unzip the file (tar xf cpptesk-toolkit-src-*.tar.gz) and start executable script named, using the following parameters: parameters — install C++TESK only;
b.--install-veritool — install4 C++TESK (version 1.0), simulator Icarus Verilog, and VeriTool, if they haven’t been installed;
c.--force-install-veritool — installs С++TESK, simulator Icarus Verilog, and VeriTool (Icarus Verilog and VeriTool will be installed even if they have been installed already).

The installation catalogues for all the tools will be chosen according to the following rules:

1.If the environment variable ISPRAS_HOME is not defined, it will be assigned to the address of the installing C++TESK user’s the home folder.
2.If the environment variable CPPTESK_HOME is not defined, it will be assigned to the value $ISPRAS_HOME/tools/cpptesk-toolkit.
3.If the environment variable ICARUS_HOME is not defined, it will be assigned to the value $ISPRAS_HOME/tools/verilog.
4.It the environment variable VERITOOL_HOME is not defined, it will be assigned to the value $ISPRAS_HOME/tools/veritool.
5.C++TESK is installed into the folder $CPPTESK_HOME.
6.Icarus Verilog (if it is required) is installed into the folder $ICARUS_HOME.
7.VeriTool (if it is required) is installed into the folder $VERITOOL_HOME.
Manual installation of Icarus Verilog and VeriTool
If the computer is not connected to the Internet, manual installation of Icarus Verilog and VeriTool is required. Installation packages can be downloaded using the following addresses: and

For manual installation of Icarus Verilog the following steps should be passed:

1.If the system variable $ICARUS_HOME is not set, it should be assigned. E.g., the following command sequence can help:
export ICARUS_HOME=<path_for_Icarus_Verilog_installation>
echo "export ICARUS_HOME=$ICARUS_HOME" >> "$HOME/.profile"
echo "export ICARUS_HOME=$ICARUS_HOME" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
2.It the folder $ICARUS_HOME does not exist, it should be created:
mkdir -p "$ICARUS_HOME"
3.Having changed the directory to the one with installation package of Icarus Verilog, it is necessary to apply the following command sequence:
tar xf verilog-0.9.4.tar.gz
cd verilog-0.9.4
./configure --prefix="$ICARUS_HOME"
make && make install

For manual installation of VeriTool the following steps should be passed:

1.If the system variable $VERITOOL_HOME is not set, it should be assigned. E.g., the following command sequence can help:
export VERITOOL_HOME=<path_for_VeriTool_installation>
echo "export VERITOOL_HOME=$VERITOOL_HOME">>"$HOME/.profile"
echo "export VERITOOL_HOME=$VERITOOL_HOME">>"$HOME/.bashrc"
2.It the folder $VERITOOL_HOME does not exist, it should be created:
mkdir -p "$VERITOOL_HOME"
3.Having changed the directory to the one with installation package of VeriTool, it is necessary to apply the following command sequence:
tar xf veritool-0.2.1-beta-20110702.tar.gz
cd veritool-0.2.1-beta-20110702
./configure --prefix="$VERITOOL_HOME"
make all && make install

Updated by Alexander Kamkin over 13 years ago · 74 revisions