


C++TESK-Related Publications » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Alexander Kamkin, 07/28/2013 09:33 PM) → Revision 9/12 (Alexander Kamkin, 10/23/2013 06:45 AM)

h1. C++TESK-Related Publications 

 h2. 2010 

 A. Kamkin. _*CTestBench: A Lightweight C-Based Tool for Specification and Functional Verification of Hardware Designs*_. Proceedings of the 8 ^th^ East-West Design & Test Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 17-20, 2010. 

 bq. The paper introduces CTestBench, a lightweight C-based tool for hardware specification and simulation-based verification (a germ of "C++TESK": The tool is considered as a simple and extendable framework for teaching students (familiar with the C language), but is also applicable to complex designs and can be used in real-life projects. 

 h2. 2011 

 A. Demakov, A. Kamkin, A. Sortov. _*High-Performance Testing: Parallelizing Functional Tests for Computer Systems Using Distributed Graph Exploration*_. Proceedings of the 5 ^th^ "OpenCirrus": Summit, Moscow, Russia, June 1-3, 2011 ("paper": 

 bq. The paper describes a method for model-based test generation and execution based on the distributed exploration of a system’s graph model. The key feature of the method is that parallelization is done dynamically and fully transparently for a user. The approach is implemented in the    "Distributed FSM": test engine of "C++TESK": 

 h2. 2012 

 h2. 2013 

 M. Chupilko, A. Kamkin. _*Runtime Verification Based on Executable Models: On-the-Fly Matching of Timed Traces*_. Proceedings of the 8 ^th^ "Workshop on Model-Based Testing": (MBT), Rome, Italy, March 17, 2013 ("arXiv:1303.1010": 

 bq. The paper studies on-the-fly conformance relations for timed systems (including, first of all, HDL models) and describes a practice-oriented methodology for creating and configuring monitors (test oracles) based on executable models (reference models). Actually, the paper formalizes the reaction checking approach used in "C++TESK": 

 В.П. Иванников, А.С. Камкин, М.М. Чупилко. _*Проверка поведения HDL-моделей цифровой аппаратуры на основе динамического сопоставления трасс*_. "Труды конференции ''Методы и инструменты анализа программ''": (ИМАП), Кострома, 10-12 октября, 2013 ("paper": 

 bq. The paper studies on-the-fly conformance relations for timed systems (including, first of all, HDL models) and describes a practice-oriented methodology for creating and configuring monitors (test oracles) based on executable models (reference models). Actually, the paper formalizes the reaction checking approach used in "C++TESK":