What's new?
- AST: new
method at RangedVariable
- AST:
class fields are renamed
- Bug fixes and general improvements
What's new?
- ANTLR utils: fixed the
The library can be downloaded from here
The release includes the following changes:
- Dependencies: use ANTLR 3.5.2;
- Bug fixes and general improvements.
The library can be downloaded from here
The new release includes the following changes:
- Dependencies: use Gradle 4.10.3;
- Dependencies: use Fortress 0.4.33-beta-190722;
- AST: new IntegerRange class;
- AST: new Range class;
- AST: new RangedVariable class;
- AST: new UseDef interface;
- Other bug fixes and general improvements.
The library can be downloaded from here
We are happy to announce the first release of the Castle library.
Castle (Control flow & Abstract Syntax Tree Library, Etc.) is a library for developing translators and code generators.
The release includes the following features:
- ANTLR-based utilities: include file search engine;
- ANTLR-based utilities: token source stack for hierarchical structures;
- AST: symbol table, walker, visitor;
- AST: assignment, ranged variable, use-def interface;
- StringTemplate-based code generation utilities;
- General Utils: system, file processing, logging.
The package can be downloaded from here