


Wiki » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Grigoriy Volkov, 09/17/2018 01:30 PM) → Revision 16/27 (Mikhail Mandrykin, 03/29/2019 06:04 PM)

h1. AstraVer Toolset 

 AstraVer Toolset is built on top of 'Frama-C + AstraVer Jessie plugin + Why3' deductive verification toolchain, so it can be used to prove properties of Linux kernel code. 

 *AstraVer* *Jessie2* is a successor fork of the "Jessie": Jessie plug-in for "Frama-C": Frama-C that allows deductive verification of C programs annotated with "ACSL": and is primarily targeted at source code of Linux kernel modules. modules source code. It uses the language and tools of the "Why3 verification platform": Unlike    original Jessie, AstraVer Jessie2 is not distributed as a part of the "Why2 verification platform": and is compiled/installed separately. 
 *Note*: This For now, this fork requires modified version of the __Frama-C__ source code analysis platform, that is based on the @Argon (18.0)@ @Chlorine 20180501@ version of the original platform. 

 h2. Installation 

 h3. Using OPAM 

   * Install recommended OPAM external (system) dependencies — @gcc@, @m4@, @make@, @git@. For example, on Ubuntu: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     sudo apt-get install gcc m4 make git 
   * Install "OPAM": as described in on the OPAM "documentation": 
     For example (installing to @/usr/local/bin@ unsing the binary installer): 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     sh chmod +x 
     sudo ./ /usr/local/bin 
   * Initialize OPAM to use the OCaml @4.07.1@ compiler. On Ubuntu you can use @--disable-sandboxing@ to avoid installation of "bubblewrap":, although this is not recommended. 4.06.0 compiler: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     opam init -c 4.07.1 --disable-sandboxing --comp 4.06.0 
     eval `opam config env` 
   * Configure current shell environment to use the newly created OPAM switch (may not be needed if OPAM shell hooks were installed successfully during @opam init@): Install "Git": 
     For example on Ubuntu: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     eval $(opam env) sudo apt-get install git 
   * Add ISPRAS OPAM repository at @ @ with AstraVer Jessie2 and modified Frama-C v18.0 Chlorine packages to the OPAM installation 
     (@ispras@ is just an arbitrary name of the new repository): 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     opam repo add ispras 
     opam update 
   * Install OPAM @depext@ plug-in for easy extraction and installation of external (system) dependencies for OPAM packages: the Jessie2 and Frama-C build i.e. Autoconf, Gtk2 development files and M4. 
     Ubuntu example: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     opam sudo apt-get install depext $(opam install -e ubuntu jessie2) 
   * Install external dependencies for (Temporary workaround) Build and install an older version of the AstraVer and Frama-C jingoo dependency to avoid a build e. g. Gtk2 development files: error: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     opam depext astraver install -j 1 jingoo.1.2.17 
   * Build and install the AstraVer Jessie2 plugin for Frama-C with OPAM (the patched versions of Frama-C and Why3 platforms itself will be built and installed automatically). One 
     can use the @-j@ option to speed-up compilation on a multi-core machine: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     opam install astraver -j 1 jessie2 
   * Build and install either original or patched (search in task view, empty theory filtering) version of the Why3 verification platform: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     sudo apt-get install $(opam install -e ubuntu why3) # Install GMP (external dependency) on Ubuntu 
     opam install -j 4 why3 
   * The one using AstraVer Jessie would also likely need SMT solvers e.g. "Alt-Ergo": (also "Z3":, "CVC4": "CVC4": and others). Alt-Ergo can be installed via OPAM: 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
      opam install alt-ergo altgr-ergo 
   * The Why3 IDE should be configured initialized to detect available provers (and plugins): 
     <pre><code class="bash"> 
     why3 config --detect-provers --detect-plugins 

 h2. Our Repositories 

   * "AstraVer":/projects/astraver/repository "Jessie2":/projects/astraver/repository (@git clone has the following branches: 
     -- "@18.0@":/projects/astraver/repository/ "@20180501@":/projects/astraver/repository/jessie2?utf8=✓&rev=20180501 -- references the latest released version of the AstraVer Jessie2 plugin (currently `@alpha3.20180501@') 

   * "QA":/projects/astraver/repository/qa (@git clone is a submodule of the "AstraVer":/projects/astraver/repository "Jessie2":/projects/astraver/repository repository. It contains several new test sets and the corresponding new testing script (in OCaml) that is based on the "Why3 proof replayer": replayer": 

   * "Frama-C":/projects/astraver/repository/framac (@git clone has two branches: 
     -- "@master@":/projects/astraver/repository/framac -- this is a dummy branch with each commit corresponding to an upstream release of Frama-C starting from "@Sodium 20150201@" (commit:framac|1db5542e) 
     -- "@18.0@":/projects/astraver/repository/framac?utf8=✓&rev=18.0 "@20180501@":/projects/astraver/repository/framac?utf8=✓&rev=20180501 -- references patched version of Frama-C @Argon v18.0@ @Chlorine 20180501@ required by the latest AstraVer Jessie2 (@alpha3.20180501@) with some significant changes (wrap-around annotations and logic operations on bounded integers, annotation importing -- an order-independent merging of annotations from several C source files) 

   * "Why3":/projects/astraver/repository/why3 (@git clone has two branches: 
     -- "@master@":/projects/astraver/repository/why3 -- a periodically updated mirror of the INRIA official Why3 Git repository's "master branch": branch": 
     -- "@bv_and_lemma_functions_stable-4.07@":/projects/astraver/repository/why3?utf8=✓&rev=bv_and_lemma_functions_stable-4.07 "@bv_and_lemma_functions_stable-4.06@":/projects/astraver/repository/why3?utf8=✓&rev=bv_and_lemma_functions_stable-4.06 -- patched version of the Why3 platform (version 0.87.3)    with several small unmerged changes 

   * "OPAM-repository":/projects/astraver/repository/opam-repository (@git clone is the above mentioned OPAM repository