


Klever 3.4

Added by Evgeny Novikov almost 3 years ago

Klever 3.4 includes the following prominent features:

  • Several improvements contributing development and generation of environment models:
    • Ability to specify savepoints for the main process.
    • Ability to select scenarios for particular savepoints manually.
    • Ability to configure the number of iterations for invocation of callbacks.
    • Providing users with a graphical representation of environment models directly in the Klever web UI.
  • Models for kmem_cache functions for the Linux kernel.
  • Updating add-ons and verification back-ends (various bug fixes and optimizations).
  • New sections in the user documentation: Configuring Program Decomposition and Development of Verifier Profiles.
  • Besides, you can find the CIF’s user documentation that may be helpful at development of advanced specifications and models.
  • Many fixes and minor improvements that make the specification development and verification workflow more easy, correct and reliable.

We highly appreciate efforts of developers and the feedback from users who made this release possible!
