C++TESK Testing ToolKit v1.0.9 released
C++TESK Testing ToolKit v1.0.9 has been released. The following features have been done.
C++TESK Testing ToolKit v1.0.9 has been released. The following features have been done.
- The libmicrohttpd library has been included into the package
- Bookmarks have been added to all of the documents
- Debug printing has been improved (if an error happens inside a process, call stack is shown)
- Macro CPPTESK_CALL_STACK() that can be used in CPPTESK_DEBUG_PRINT() has been added (it makes sense only in reference models)
- Macros CPPTESK_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL() and CPPTESK_SET_DEBUG_STYLE() intended for debug printing setup have been implemented
- Macros CPPTESK_COLORED_DEBUG_PRINT(F)() for colored debug printing have been added
- Examples have been improved
- A bug in the 64-bit message field randomization has been fixed
- Macros CPPTESK_RANDOM_ENUM() and CPPTESK_RANDOM_CHOICE() have been implemented
- Callback noEveryCycle() starting at each cycle of simulation has been added
- Message fields validity check has been implemented (warning is printed if a field is uninitialized)
- Quick reference has been updated (assertions, debug possibilities, etc.)
The toolkit can be downloaded from the page http://forge.ispras.ru/projects/cpptesk-toolkit/files.