


Requality 0.16 released

Added by Alexey Khoroshilov almost 10 years ago

Version 0.16 of Requality has been released, with some new important additions and fixes.

The new features include:
  • New version of UniEditor with in-line editors.
  • New wizard helping to create a test directly from a requirement (or a test case) it targets to cover to. The new test can be created in another Eclipse project on the base of customized template. Custom 'New Test' wizards can be added via user-specific Eclipse plugin implementing 'testgenerator' extension point.
  • New report that shows coverage of requirements (or test cases) by external entities (e.g. tests). Information about external entities (Coverage Source) can be provided
    • via xml file in specified format
    • using regexp-based wizard collecting data from projects in current workspace
    • by custom Eclipse plugin implementing 'coveragesource' extension point
  • Type-aware editors for attributes of supported types.
  • Improved appearance of "Requirements" report.
  • Better report generation in console mode. Custom parameters can be passed to report templates now.
  • Filter allowing to filter out comments in Requality Explorer.
  • Improvements in reports generation:
    • Widely used auxiliary functions are now available in "utils" object (e.g. htmlEscape function).
    • There is a new "coverage" object that provides methods to access information about requirements coverage by external entities (see examples in "coverage" template).
    • DOM model of documents is now available (see utils.getDocumentNodeModel(qid)).
Also various bugs have been fixed in:
  • Properties view.
  • Reports generation, especially in predicates handling.
  • Marking up of text fragments (e.g. a fix for the problem of space to be not marked up).

A complete list of changes can be found in changelog.
