


C++TESK and MicroTESK presented at DAC 2013

C++TESK and MicroTESK were presented at the University Booth exhibition of the DAC 2013 conference on June 3-4 in Austin, TX, USA.
Added by Alexander Kamkin about 11 years ago

C++TESK and MicroTESK hardware verification toolkits were presented at the University Booth exhibition of the Design Automation Conference - the premier event for the design of electronic circuits and systems, electronic design automation (EDA), embedded systems and software (ESS), and intellectual property (IP). The conference took place on 2-6 June, 2013 in Austin, TX, USA (the city, which was nicknamed "the Silicon Hills" in the 1990s because of its unique hi-tech industry).

The conference is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Electronic Design Automation Consortium (EDA Consortium), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and ACM's Special Interest Group on Design. Read more...
