Task #6068
Updated by Alexander Kamkin over 9 years ago
Syntax: @S ::= situation({:symbol => string, }* string {, :symbol => value} {, S}*)@ Examples: # @situation('overflow')@ - a simple situation. # @situation('overflow', :size => 32)@ - a parameterized situation (@size@ is a parameter of the situation). # @situation(:x => 'rs', :y => 'rt', 'overflow')@ - a situation with bindings (@x@ and @y@ are constrained variables of the situation). # @situation(:x => 'rs', :y => 'rt', 'overflow', :size => 32)@ - a parameterized situation with bindings. # @situation('overflow', situation('possitive'))@ - a composite situation (@overflow && possitive@). # @situation('mem.write', situation(:address => addr, 'user.segment'))@ 'user.segment')) - a composite situation with inner bindings.