Feature #9927
closedAllow to check for preset verification job changes
Users create verification jobs on the base of preset ones. These preset verification jobs can be changed, e.g. after updating a Klever instance. But users will be unaware that previously created verification jobs can be deprecated. It would be great if Bridge will report changes itself, but at least there should be an option to check for this manually.
Internally I suggest to calculate a checksum of a preset verification job when creating a verification job and store this checksum for a given verification job. For a check Bridge should recalculate the checksum of the preset verification job (found by the UUID) and compare values. You should keep in mind that rarely preset verication jobs will be withdrawn completely, so, there may be no corresponding UUID at all.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #8122: Warn users if job was changed after it was solved added
Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 5 years ago
- Due date set to 12/03/2019
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Implemented in klever-3.0. But downloaded and uploaded jobs can't be connected to any preset job and that's why they are never checked for any changes in preset files.
Preset checksums can be recalculated (and should be calculated after the bridge deployment) with management command:python manage.py check-preset