



Feature #8947


Eventually get rid of picture buttons in menus

Added by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

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Although picture menu buttons are very compact, nice and after some time of usage they are the best, it is hard for new users to understand intuitively abilities they provide. Recently, such the buttons were replaced at the job page (both job and files menus) and at the mark page. I suggest to do the same at the following pages:
  • Jobs tree.
  • Marks table.
  • Tags tree, in particular operations with tags themselves.
  • Unsafe. I think that error trace player buttons are okay. Ditto for likes/dislikes but last columns of associated marks should be improved, e.g. do not name the column "Likes/dislikes" but for other actions it would be better to have text menu items.


2.png (3.08 KB) 2.png Confirmation Vladimir Gratinskiy, 06/12/2018 09:51 PM
1.png (17.6 KB) 1.png Vladimir Gratinskiy, 06/12/2018 09:51 PM
3.png (6.63 KB) 3.png Mark creation Vladimir Gratinskiy, 06/12/2018 09:51 PM
4.png (9.87 KB) 4.png Empty list of associated marks Vladimir Gratinskiy, 06/12/2018 09:51 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

Since this feature will considerably change the interface while it does not assume functional changes, it will be better to include it within Klever 1.0. Of course it will be possible if it will be implemented soon.

Actions #2

Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

Although picture menu buttons are very compact, nice and after some time of usage they are the best, it is hard for new users to understand intuitively abilities they provide. Recently, such the buttons were replaced at the job page (both job and files menus) and at the mark page. I suggest to do the same at the following pages:
  • Jobs tree.
  • Marks table.

Design of marks and jobs pages was changed.

  • Tags tree, in particular operations with tags themselves.

Operations with tags looks beautiful and I'm not going to change it. So I changed only top buttons.

  • Unsafe. I think that error trace player buttons are okay. Ditto for likes/dislikes but last columns of associated marks should be improved, e.g. do not name the column "Likes/dislikes" but for other actions it would be better to have text menu items.

Actually there are two columns there - "Likes/Dislikes" where only two buttons (with numbers of likes/dislikes, that's why this column is named so) and Unnamed column with more buttons. Anyway text menu for each row is bad idea.

Changes are in "feature_8947".

Actions #3

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

Vladimir Gratinskiy wrote:

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

  • Unsafe. I think that error trace player buttons are okay. Ditto for likes/dislikes but last columns of associated marks should be improved, e.g. do not name the column "Likes/dislikes" but for other actions it would be better to have text menu items.

Actually there are two columns there - "Likes/Dislikes" where only two buttons (with numbers of likes/dislikes, that's why this column is named so) and Unnamed column with more buttons. Anyway text menu for each row is bad idea.

My suggestion is to replace a picture of button to confirm/unconfirm an association with appropriate text and move it to the corresponding column, since this button is the most tricky.
As for other buttons they are intuitive. But I still don't understand why you like a name for a column with likes/dislikes, but not for a column with other actions. I suggest to get rid of these column names.

Actions #4

Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 6 years ago

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

Vladimir Gratinskiy wrote:

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

  • Unsafe. I think that error trace player buttons are okay. Ditto for likes/dislikes but last columns of associated marks should be improved, e.g. do not name the column "Likes/dislikes" but for other actions it would be better to have text menu items.

Actually there are two columns there - "Likes/Dislikes" where only two buttons (with numbers of likes/dislikes, that's why this column is named so) and Unnamed column with more buttons. Anyway text menu for each row is bad idea.

My suggestion is to replace a picture of button to confirm/unconfirm an association with appropriate text and move it to the corresponding column, since this button is the most tricky.
As for other buttons they are intuitive. But I still don't understand why you like a name for a column with likes/dislikes, but not for a column with other actions. I suggest to get rid of these column names.

Because column with likes/dislikes contains information (about number of likes/dislikes), but column with confirm/unconfirm/edit - doesn't.

Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 6 years ago

I've change design of unsafe/safe/unknown pages so the only "edit" button left in the last column. I don't know how better to change it and need feedback.

Actions #6

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

I can't estimate the new interface well since I used and liked the previous one. The only thing I mentioned, that there isn't button for deleting marks at the error trace page. Perhaps it is hidden somewhere, e.g. under button "edit".

Actions #7

Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 6 years ago

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

I can't estimate the new interface well since I used and liked the previous one. The only thing I mentioned, that there isn't button for deleting marks at the error trace page. Perhaps it is hidden somewhere, e.g. under button "edit".

New interface is clearer for new users.
I didn't add button "delete mark" on report page as there you don't know how deletion can influence other reports. On marks list page you can see at least the number of associated reports.

Actions #8

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

Vladimir Gratinskiy wrote:

Evgeny Novikov wrote:

I can't estimate the new interface well since I used and liked the previous one. The only thing I mentioned, that there isn't button for deleting marks at the error trace page. Perhaps it is hidden somewhere, e.g. under button "edit".

New interface is clearer for new users.
I didn't add button "delete mark" on report page as there you don't know how deletion can influence other reports. On marks list page you can see at least the number of associated reports.

Okay, now I catch your point.

Actions #9

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Open

In the given branch I can't open a page of a mark (any kind) from any place, such as mark tables or associated marks. There is always "Unknown error" and nothing more in any log file.

Also, you can replace button for "view" for pages with report tables as for other pages.

Actions #10

Updated by Vladimir Gratinskiy about 6 years ago


Actions #11

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Target version changed from 2.0 to 1.0

Great! I guess that all users are happy to have this feature in Klever 1.0. I merged the branch to master in 5cf3b5d6.


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