Feature #8702
closed'public static NodeValue.newBitVector(final boolean value)' convenience method
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Updated by Andrei Tatarnikov about 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Andrei Tatarnikov to Sergey Smolov
In my opinion, this task is ambiguous. It is not clear to me what the following construct should mean: NodeValue.newBitVector(true, 4). It can be: 0001 or 1111?
I can implement method NodeValue.newBitVector(boolean), but it will return 1-bit vector (that is '1' or '0').
As for boolean-based bit vectors of arbitrary size, we need first to agree on some convention.
Updated by Sergey Smolov about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from 'public static NodeValue.newBitVector(final boolean value, final int size)' convenience method to 'public static NodeValue.newBitVector(final boolean value)' convenience method
- Assignee changed from Sergey Smolov to Andrei Tatarnikov
Yes, it's ok for me to have the "NodeValue.newBitVector(boolean)" method only.
I've changed the feature header respectively.
Updated by Andrei Tatarnikov about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Done in 0de32d2d.
Updated by Sergey Smolov about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Verified
Updated by Sergey Smolov over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Verified to Closed
- Published in build set to 0.4.32-beta-180820