Bug #8581
openSimplify generation of new threads at registrations for instances
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If there are several instances of a process then at registration it is possible to check that provided signal parameters correspond to each particular instance. Using this clause it is possible to significantly reduce the number of starting pthreads.
Updated by Ilja Zakharov over 7 years ago
Just a note that the subtask #8595 does not solve this issue since the analysis for race checking ignores assumptions and guards.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 7 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to High
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #8595: Add a guard to restrict calling isntances related to different containers at registration added
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 7 years ago
I don't believe that we really need this so quickly and that we can do that in time.