Feature #8305
closedEFSM state limit
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The command line parameter for CGAA_to-EFSM transformer.
The parameter is used in the transformer as follows:
When EFSM state construction procedure is started, a capacity for every SLR is calculated. After that all the capacities are multiplied and the total maximal number of EFSM states is calculated. If this number is less or equal to the specified parameter, the EFSM construction procedure is started. Neither orthogonalization no code-extracted expressions are needed. If the maximum number of the EFSM states is greater than the limit, then the existing procedure is started, but no state splitting is done. The weakest preconditions are put into the EFSM transition guards.
Updated by Sergey Smolov about 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Done in c80e6fb1
Updated by Sergey Smolov about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Verified
Updated by Sergey Smolov about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Verified to Closed
- Published in build set to 1.0.1-beta-170912