Feature #8262
closedphase variable based approach for CFG-CGAA-EFSM optimisation
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- Phase variables are inserted for every process of HDL description. For every linear piece of CFG process execution path an Integer destination phase value is generated. The phase placement graph is created, that shows
phase value changing sequences. - CGAA model restructuring. At the top level of every process from CGAA model the switch statement is generated. The switch statement node depends on phase variable. Every execution path in the CGAA model is annotated with source values of phase variable and finishes with an assignment for phase variable it's destination value.
- Phase variable should not be chosaen as a state-like variable.
- For every path that is extracted from CGAA model (CgaaPath) a set of source values of phase variable and a destination value of phase variables should be extracted.
- Every state of the EFSM has a phase Integer value attribute.
- Build "phased" EFSM states at runtime when applying CGAA paths to states with initial (zero) value of phase.
Updated by Sergey Smolov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
1-4 are ready by 4afcf61a.
Updated by Sergey Smolov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Completely done at 6b03cf2a
Updated by Sergey Smolov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Verified
Updated by Sergey Smolov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Verified to Closed
- Published in build set to 1.0.1-beta-170912