Feature #7453
closedClarify conception of resource limits for one abstract verification task
Users do not know anything about internals of various VTG strategies and the most of them even wouldn't like to know anything about various settings. The only thing users can understand and use easily is to specify resource limits for one abstract verification task, i.e. a pair of verification object (module) and rule specification. VTG strategies should strongly respect these limits by adjusting default options (if not overwritten) to receive the most good results as quickly as possible. For instance, I can verify one module against 3 rules and give 1000 seconds for each of rule. The VTG strategy that verifies these rules one by one can prepare corresponding verification tasks with time limit 1000 second each. The VTG strategy that verifies these rules together can prepare one verification task with time limit 3000 second. Various other combinations are possible of course.
Updated by Vitaly Mordan over 8 years ago
I suggest to allow to the user to specify 'CPU time limit per 1 rule specification', which will be the same for all strategies (multi-aspect verification with internal and external launches, on-the-fly specification decomposition, etc.).
There also should be instruction, which will tell to the user, that strategies will interpret this limit differently.
Updated by Vitaly Mordan over 8 years ago
Most of the users will use basic options for complex strategies (such as 900 CPU seconds per one task and one property according to SV-COMP and a lot of internal MAV limits). But if the user wants to understand, how some strategy works, he must read corresponding documentation (or even papers), which will prevent him from forgetting, for example, to specify iteration time limit.
We should support both groups of users. Current implementation is more oriented to the second group.
I think, this feature will be more needed in the future, when we will implement more user-friendly way to set jobs, since now there is still no one button 'launch MAV', which sets all needed option.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 8 years ago
Vitaly Mordan wrote:
I suggest to allow to the user to specify 'CPU time limit per 1 rule specification', which will be the same for all strategies (multi-aspect verification with internal and external launches, on-the-fly specification decomposition, etc.).
First. Why do you consider just CPU time? Why do you miss RAM and disk space? For users they are also very important.
Second. The suggested name isn't accurate since if I will verify 1000 modules this will be a limit for checking all these modules against one rule.
There also should be instruction, which will tell to the user, that strategies will interpret this limit differently.
This instruction is relevant for strategies rather than for the limit itself. Users can know nothing about various strategies but understand what do the limits mean very well (if it will be clearly implemented).
Updated by Vitaly Mordan over 8 years ago
Evgeny Novikov wrote:
Vitaly Mordan wrote:
First. Why do you consider just CPU time? Why do you miss RAM and disk space? For users they are also very important.
Disk space cannot be limited now (and in near future).
RAM always should have the same limitation (per verification run, per verification task, per one rule, ...).
CPU time in this issue will mean something useful only for Separated strategy. Therefore, the user should not have any illusions about usefulness of this limit and the name of the limit should clearly state it.
Second. The suggested name isn't accurate since if I will verify 1000 modules this will be a limit for checking all these modules against one rule.
CPU time limit PER 1 rule PER 1 module PER 1 entry point
Updated by Vadim Mutilin over 8 years ago
There should be a CPU_TIME_LIMIT which has a meaning of a CPU limit PER 1 rule PER 1 module PER 1 entry point
There should be a guarantee:
In SBT: the task with one rule should not work more than CPU_TIME_LIMIT
In MAV: the task with N rules should not work more than N*CPU_TIME_LIMIT
MAV should do its best to provide not more than CPU_TIME_LIMIT for each rule.
Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov over 8 years ago
Side note here, may be a topic for another ticket.
A CPU limit PER 1 rule PER 1 module PER 1 entry point is not a resource limit but a kind of Quality of Service limit.
It represents in some implicit way a minimal limit for quality of verification.
The actual resource limit from user perspective is a time limit for the whole task (e.g. 1 day for analysis of all drivers for all rules). Currently, we set this limit to value "as soon as possible as long as QoS is achieved".
In general, resource limit and QoS limit can be set simultaneously, while one of them may have higher priority than another one.
Typically QoS limit would have higher priority.
Another observation. QoS limit is more important for massive tasks, while resource limit may be more important for small tasks (e.g. if you run verification task for weekend, there are no benefits to have results on Saturday evening, tools can spend one more day to achieve better results).
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 8 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to High
I think this is another quite complicated feature (#7470).
As for this one I also suggest to postpone it since it requires many changes in underlying tools and in the approach used in general. We have much more important issues for the nearest future.
Updated by Vitaly Mordan over 8 years ago
This feature was implemented in branch new_format_of_strategies.
Now resource limit per one task (or Quality of Service limit) means the same for all strategies.
Resource limitations for the whole task will be resolved in another issue (#7470).
Updated by Evgeny Novikov almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This issue is not relevant.