



Bug #718


Error trace visualizer misses some sources [capidrv]

Added by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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The ldv-git command below detects an error but error trace visualizer is almost useless since the only sources loaded are slab.h and proc_fs.h.

ldv-git --force --no-update-meta --keep-work --rule=08_1 --filter=isdn/capi/capidrv check

Any intermediate files can help?


current--X--commands-xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1.pax (1.02 MB) current--X--commands-xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1.pax Alexey Khoroshilov, 01/26/2011 01:48 PM
report.xml (1004 Bytes) report.xml Evgeny Novikov, 01/26/2011 03:42 PM (15.5 KB) XML report Pavel Shved, 01/26/2011 06:22 PM
capidrv.ko.linked.ldv_main0_plain_sorted_withcheck.trace (986 KB) capidrv.ko.linked.ldv_main0_plain_sorted_withcheck.trace trace Pavel Shved, 01/26/2011 06:22 PM
linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv (153 KB) linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv Log file with debug level 20 Alexey Khoroshilov, 01/26/2011 06:41 PM
cmd_after_deg.xml (58.4 KB) cmd_after_deg.xml Command stream after deg Alexey Khoroshilov, 01/26/2011 06:46 PM
linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv.debug100 (591 KB) linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv.debug100 Log file with debug level 100 Alexey Khoroshilov, 01/26/2011 09:15 PM
linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv.debug100 (533 KB) linux-2.6.38-dev20110111.log6.08-capidrv.debug100 Log file with debug level 100 after the file removal Alexey Khoroshilov, 01/27/2011 05:09 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

Could you please attach the pax file the uploader tried to upload? It looks like this: $LDVGIT_BASE/envs/1/work-815c4163b6c8ebf8152f42b0a5fd015cfdcedc78/drivers/acpi/apei/erst.c/finished/current--X--commands-xml--X--defaultshadows--X--32_1--X--77_1--X--08_1--X--29_1--X--37_1--X--43_1.pax.

Version of ldv-tools and the Kernel commit you're checking would be useful as well, of course.

Actions #2

Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago

  • File current--X--commands-xml--X--defaultshadows--X--RCU_1.pax added

Upload the requested file. [WRONG FILE]

Actions #3

Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago

  • File deleted (current--X--commands-xml--X--defaultshadows--X--RCU_1.pax)
Actions #5

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

I obtained the full list of required source code files (it's attached) from our nice testing tool checkdb:

DBNAME=ldv_db_3 DBUSER=joker -c report.xml

Note that the trace depend on 2 c.p files placed to different folders. May be this causes the problem.

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

I guess this is the issue of error-trace-visualizer's subcomponent that extracts list of sources from a trace.

The report doesn't contain any <sourcefile> tag. In such cases, uploader just assigns all sources to the file... however, there are only two sources in the PAX:


while there are a lot of them in the trace!

$ grep 'src=".*"' --only-match <trace_file | sort -u
Actions #9

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

Attached log contains following lines:

ldv-task: NORMAL: Calling LDV reporter.
error-trace-visualizer: NORMAL: Process the command-line options.
error-trace-visualizer: NORMAL: Process trace.
error-trace-visualizer: NORMAL: Make all successfully.
ldv-task-reporter: NORMAL: Can't find kernel file.ldv-task-reporter: NORMAL: Report created successfully.
ldv-task: IFNO: Remove all artificial environments.

Rather obscure...
Seems that problem connected with RI caching.

Actions #10

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

Eugene Novikov wrote:

Rather obscure...

Seems that problem connected with RI caching.

"Seems"? :-D
I guess, it's obiovus! :-D

Actions #11

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

Can you obtain log with LDV_DEBUG=100? Do you use fresh master?

Actions #12

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

I'll try to obtain this by myself since you point the way to do this.

Actions #14

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback
Thank you a lot. I investigate the detailed log and find out that the problem may be related with the non backward compatible caching. So the old stored cache doesn't contain some required files (in fact it's *.c.p files needed for error trace visualization) that are cached and copied from cached after the RI code review. For object and source code files logs are so:
  • kcapi.o.usual (it's successfully got from cache)
    rule-instrumentor: DEBUG: The target file cache key is '/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.o.usual'.
    rule-instrumentor: TRACE: Find in cache '/home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/work/work-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c/work/current--X--commands.xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1/artificial_env_1/csd_deg_dscv/22/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.o.usual' with keys '08_1 /drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.o.usual'.
    rule-instrumentor: TRACE: Cache hit.
    rule-instrumentor: INFO: Got file from cache instead of executing '...'.
  • kcapi.c.p (it isn't got from cache)
    rule-instrumentor: DEBUG: The target file cache key is '/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p'.
    rule-instrumentor: TRACE: Find in cache '/home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/work/work-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c/work/current--X--commands.xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1/artificial_env_1/csd_deg_dscv/22/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p' with keys '08_1 /drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p'.
    rule-instrumentor: TRACE: Cache miss.

    Then this leads to the another problem that I have partially described above:
    ldv-task-reporter: TRACE: Process trace file: /home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/work/work-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/drivers/isdn/hardware/avm/c4.c/work/current--X--commands.xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1--X--29_1--X--32_7--X--37_1--X--43_1--X--77_1--X--RCU_1/artificial_env_1/csd_deg_dscv/13/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p
    ldv-task-reporter: NORMAL: Can't find kernel file.

So we either may to change scripts to support backward compatibility of caching (i.e. see on both object and source code files in cache before using them) or remove old cache.

But I still need some proof of my assumptions. Alexey, can you delete the only file /home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/work/work-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c/work/current--X--commands.xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1/artificial_env_1/csd_deg_dscv/22/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p' with keys '08_1 /drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p and obtain the detailed log one more time?

Also it seems to me that ldv-task-reporter should be fixed a bit: when it can't copy one of many required files it should try to copy other ones.

Actions #15

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

Eugene Novikov wrote:

But I still need some proof of my assumptions. Alexey, can you delete the only file /home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/work/work-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/drivers/isdn/capi/capidrv.c/work/current--X--commands.xml--X--defaultshadows--X--08_1/artificial_env_1/csd_deg_dscv/22/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p' with keys '08_1 /drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.c.p and obtain the detailed log one more time?

I guess, the second file Eugene meant is named



Actions #16

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

Ooo! I wrote completely incorrectly!!! Thank you! Please delete the file /home/tester/.ldv/ldv/envs/1/cache/cache-4162cf64973df51fc885825bc9ca4d055891c49f/08_1/drivers/isdn/capi/kcapi.o.usual (it's the object file, there isn't specified previously source code file in cache at all!).

Actions #18

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

Hmm.... my cache is filled with *.c.p files, so it might be another problem, actually.

Could you please write such errorneous URLs down for us to analyze them thoroughly later?

Actions #20

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

Yes, after the object file removal it's processed and the required source code file is obtained (not from cache, just from aspectator). Then they both are cached and it's most likely that they'll be successfully got from cache in future.

Unfortunately the verdict becomes unknown due to memory limit (why so?..) and we can't see the progress with help of error trace visualizer...

It would be nice if you set up more memory limit and see on progress with error trace visualizer. Then remove old cache (see issue #724) and try again. After all there must be no problems.

Actions #21

Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 14 years ago

Eugene Novikov wrote:

Unfortunately the verdict becomes unknown due to memory limit (why so?..) and we can't see the progress with help of error trace visualizer...

It would be nice if you set up more memory limit and see on progress with error trace visualizer.

Oh, I see the memory limit is large enough (3Gb)... Something strange...

Actions #22

Updated by Vadim Mutilin about 14 years ago

More links:
  1. Without code sources
  2. No some sources
  3. Links to the code on the left hand side disappear after loading

1. Without code sources








2. No some sources


3. Links on the left hand side disappear


Actions #23

Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago

Feedback is blocked by bug#749.

Actions #24

Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

I have checked capidrv with 08_1 and it is safe now.

Since the issue with cache has been fixed, I close the bug.


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