Bug #6351
closedERROR (SEMANTIC): "The image attribute is not defined for the Op primitive."
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If all ops of an OR rule contain no image, the following occurs:
x.nml 83:11 ERROR (SEMANTIC): "The image attribute is not defined for the Op primitive." x.nml 83:20 ERROR (SEMANTIC): "Failed to recognize the grammar structure. It will be ignored: 'operation.image'." x.nml 83:2 ERROR (SEMANTIC): "Failed to recognize the grammar structure. It will be ignored: 'image=operation.image'." x.nml 81:3 ERROR (SEMANTIC): "Failed to recognize the grammar structure. It will be ignored: 'syntax=operation.syntaximage=operation.imageaction={GPR[0]=coerce(DWORD,0);is_delay_slot=BRANCH;
If at least one op has image, everything is fine.
Updated by Andrei Tatarnikov over 9 years ago
r5379 -> "OPs can be groupped into an OR-rule only if they have identical sets of arguments."
Updated by Andrei Tatarnikov over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Andrei Tatarnikov about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Published in build set to 2.3.6