Task #6306
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
r5283 - New lexems for: sqrt, int_to_float, float_to_int
r5284 - New parser rules for: sqrt, int_to_float, float_to_int
r5288, r5290, r5291 - Tree walker rules for: sqrt, int_to_float, float_to_int
r5292 - Support for sqrt in Model API
- Status changed from Resolved to Open
r5304 - lexems for new type conversion directives.
r5305, r5306 - parser rules for new type conversion directives.
r5307 - tree walkers rules for new type conversion directives (stubs, all work via 'coerce').
r5314 - support in tree walker (correct IR).
r5315 - Model API: cast + stubs for other functions
r5317 - Model API: sign_extend, zero_extend.
r5320 - Model API: int_to_float, float_to_int, float_to_float.
r5326 - Java code generator uses the new functions.
- Status changed from Open to Resolved
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Published in build set to 2.3.5
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