



Bug #514


BLAST's useful blocks generation algorithm is suboptimal for SMT solvers

Added by Pavel Shved over 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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One of the core tasks in the useful-blocks algorithm is to find the first i such that conjunction of predicates from 1 to i is UNSAT.

For incremental solvers it was OK to push predicates one-by-one, anbd check for satisfiability. But for SMTlib solvers it's suboptimal. An algorithm that employs some kind of binary search and works in a logarithmic number of calls to solvers could—oh, no, should—be much faster.

We need to carefully design and implement it.


before_ub_profile_short (1.21 KB) before_ub_profile_short reduced cxusb profile BEFORE useful-blocks fix Pavel Shved, 11/16/2010 03:40 PM
after_ub_profile_short (2.11 KB) after_ub_profile_short reduced cxusb profile AFTER useful-blocks fix Pavel Shved, 11/16/2010 03:40 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to BLAST - Bug #566: Useful block sets are SAT on some of generic test driversClosedPavel Shved11/16/2010

Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Shved over 14 years ago

Logarithmic algorithm was implemented, and it resides on our development server in branch useful-blocks-fix. It demonstrated performance improvement, although most time seems to be taken by processing of initialization block (see #511).

As soon as tests on my machine finish, I'll merge the fix to the ldv-tools main branch.

Updated by Pavel Shved over 14 years ago

As a result of this optimization, for example, on cxusb driver, the number of calls to SMT solver reduced from 32630 to 831, and the overall time is 7 times less than it was before (10 times less if you count BLAST exclusively).

Attached to the post are a couple of [shortened] profiles of analysis of a cxusb driver with iteration limit. Other than in runtime, the launches differ in nothing else.

The fixes are now merged into master, and reside in commit:9c0646f.

Actions #3

Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 14 years ago

This should be closed?

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Shved over 14 years ago

I wouldn't actually close it before we resolve bug #566 and/or make another full-kernel run with analysis of all the errors appeared. Let it hang for a while.

Actions #5

Updated by Pavel Shved about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Since there was no dramatic increase of these issues (moreover, I feel that amount of satisfiable blocksets decreased), closing this bug.

Actions #6

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

  • Project changed from Linux Driver Verification to BLAST
  • Category deleted (BLAST)
Actions #7

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.6

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