Feature #3512
closedAdd ability to get information on actual macro parameter values
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New Driver Environment Generator wouldn't like to obtain information on module init and exit functions with help of regexps. Instead it would like to ask CIF for that:
info: expand(module_init(arg)) { $fprintf<$env<file>,$arg_val1> }
You can see a new advice type info. It should serve as pure information request without any changes to program source code at any stages. expand primitive pointcut for macros likes call primitive pointcut for functions. It will be able to catch actual macro parameter values.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Resolved
- Published in build set to 44895bc
Commit 44895bc of the master branch implements the required feature in the way described. After testing commit will be available. I hope that there will not be any problems, because of launch on all drivers didn't show bad relevant regressions.